今天在微博上看到这个消息:【移民局紧急通知:父母依亲移民签证申请需立即递交】应广大客户要求,@翰华教育集团 将在5月20日周二下午6点举办关于澳洲移民局取消父母依亲移民(排队)类别签证说明会,诚邀专业移民律师讲解该政策信息。地点:LEVEL 1, 344 QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE CBD, 报名请洽: 0430 659 988
因为这个微博怎么看都像是个广告,我们就去查了一下英文的来源。发现移民局官网上没有相关说法。有的,只有一个叫Migration Institute of Australia(http://mia.org.au/)的网站上有类似消息。然后我们就搜索了一下这个MIA,他的维基百科页面是http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migration_Institute_of_Australia 。但是页面上很清楚的写了这个词条很可能只是个广告。
所以我们怀疑这个消息多半是个乌龙了。但是父母移民的事情我们毕竟不敢马虎,有没有人在比较权威的地方看到类似消息呢?会不会我们有所遗漏? www.austargroup.com 也这样说 这个也是个中介啊 14-15年年度预算:
The Government will achieve savings of $305.2 million (including a reduction in revenue of $112.9 million) over five years, by modifying the size and composition of the 2014‑15 Migration Programme.
The 2014‑15 Migration Programme will have 190,000 places and maintain the composition of 128,550 Skilled Stream places, 60,885 Family Stream places and 565 Special Eligibility Stream places.
The Skilled Stream will continue to focus on Australia's longer term skills needs, including addressing skills shortages in regional Australia.
The Family Stream will refocus on meeting the increasing demand for close family reunions. The additional partner and child places will be made available as a result of the cessation of new applications from the other family and parent (non‑contributory) places. This cessation will also enable faster processing of existing applications.
The Government will reverse the Mid‑Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2012‑13 measure titled Response to the expert panel — Permanent migration programme — additional family stream places and remove 4,000 places allocated to Illegal Maritime Arrivals in the Family Stream (not previously accounted for in total programme numbers).
The savings from this measure will be redirected by the Government to repair the Budget and fund policy priorities. 预算案还没正式通过呢。 Serin 发表于 19-5-2014 22:08 static/image/common/back.gif
就算要修改预算 也不会修改这条 都忙着看医保呢 为毛昨天都给我不好的消息~~~ 本帖最后由 189专用 于 23-5-2014 21:29 编辑
http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/103.aspx(在About this visa一栏)
Further to the announcement in the Budget papers, we will close the following visa subclasses in the Family Stream of the Migration Programme to new applications:
Parent visa (subclass 103)
Aged Parent visa (subclass 804)
Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclasses 114 and 838)
Remaining Relative visa (subclasses 115 and 835)
Carer visa (subclasses 116 and 836).
The visas will be closed to new applications before the start of the 2014-15 Migration Programme year. The date of cessation will be announced shortly.
If you have already applied or apply before the date of cessation of new applications your application will continue to be processed under existing regulations and policy. Note that the Parent and Other Family visas are subject to annual planning levels. In 2014-15, 1500 places have been allocated to Parent and 500 places to Other Family. You can expect to wait up to 13 years for a Parent or Aged Parent visa, four years for a Carer visa and up to 16 years for a Aged Dependent Relative or Remaining Relative visa.
Certain eligible dependent family members, such as a partner or dependent children can be added to an existing undecided application. You will need to provide evidence of the relationship, including dependency.