review 结果出来了, 很疑惑,大家有碰到过类似情况的吗
通信工程03年毕业, 第一次评估262113,扣4年从2007年8月算起, 因为需要8年,就review了263111(大部分工作内容类似,并签课程匹配更多感觉), 今天出结果了, 提前从2006年1月算起,但是2013年1月到2014年1月not suitable, 2013年1月跳槽的, 说不相关, 这个review的结果岂不是没有用了, 第一个还可以等一年明年8年, review的这个就永远是7年了.
Your skills have been assessed to be suitable for migration under 263111 (Computer Network and
Systems Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code.
Your qualification has been assessed as follows:
Your Bachelor in Communication Engineerig from XXXXXXX
completed July 2003 has been assessed as comparable to an AQF Bachelor Degree with a major
in computing
The following employment after January 2006 is considered to equate to work at an appropriately
skilled level and relevant to 263111 (Computer Network and Systems Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code.
Dates: 07/03 - 10/06 (3yrs 3mths)
Position: System Support Engineer
Employer: xxxxxxxxx
Country: CHINA
Dates: 11/06 - 01/13 (6yrs 2mths)
Position: xxxxxxxx
Employer: xxxxxxx
Country: CHINA
The following employment has been assessed as not suitable.
Dates: 01/13 - 01/14 (0yrs 0mths)
Position: Senior Customer Engineer - Not Closely Related to the Nominated ANZSCO
Employer: xxxxxxCo. Ltd
Country: CHINA