“new Migration Programme commences in July 2014”
亲爱的兄弟姐妹们,我最近有收到一份移民局的回信。有下面一段话,听说很多人也收到类似的回复,不知道你们是怎么理解的,是否有得到移民局进一步澄清? 开个帖子,供大家分享资讯。The Department appreciates the delay in processing your application may cause you some concern, however, the remaining places in the Migration Programme are being allocated having consideration to a number of factors (i.e. initial entry dates).The new Migration Programme commences in July 2014, so in the event your application is unable to progressed before this date, it will be progressed at that time.
注:我的情况是通过DIY已拿到州担保,收到邀请,补齐材料,完成体检。移民局来信已说明我不需要再做任何事情。 意思就是说今年名额不多了,实在处理不完就推迟到7月份再处理,我们也收到类似的邮件,情况跟你一样,190所有材料都已上传,看来190目前的形势就是这样,很有可能要被推迟到7月了 已经lodge了的就不用担心了,就是等到了7月有了新名额就批了。不过这段日子肯定也挺难熬的。 有些不明白:我们的名额不是lodge时的名额么,怎么又要占新财年的呢? 刚提交,还没分co,7月就7月吧,晚一点无所谓