本帖最后由 mmwants 于 31-3-2014 01:12 编辑发错地方了发错地方了发错地方了 我们的案例,本科毕业无学士学位按专科来算,扣了5年。 应该是你这两个工作的推荐信内容没写好,你可以补充推荐信重新评估一次 i strongly recommend you that you make sure read the ACS assessment guild word by word, and figure out where u have gone wrong, if you cannot make sure you should get answer by mailing to acs. sweetstar 发表于 30-3-2014 23:25 static/image/common/back.gif
i strongly recommend you that you make sure read the ACS assessment guild word by word, and figure o ...
已经仔细看了ACS 自我评估,但没找到上级写推荐信领导 也跳槽了用什么信纸。