yping88's victory speech in FreeOz--2013
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!It absolutely has been my privilege to be nominated for the most creative writer, the most active new performer in FreeOz 2013 and the most skilled worker in English column.A big thank-you to @ubuntuhk @MillerYang @MICHELLE07 @yearshappy and so many others for your trust and recognition!
To my amazement, the lovely voters have made the wise decision to crown me in two of the above nominations. :lol :lol :lol
I have privately done a lot of thinking about my credibility of surfacing to the top and enjoying the grace, and I initially would like to withdraw my competition for the glory just like some moderators did. However, after I understood how much FreeOz credits I could win and how much beautiful my Harvey (He is in my profile picture) and I could become wearing those shinning medals, I have lost the courage to give it all up!
So, I have been thrilled to accept the glory you all and FreeOz management team have granted me! Thank you all for your support and kindness!
First of all, I thank you two, MICHELLE07 & @x24 We first met in x24's English post. I just casually followed x24 by posting something related to his topic. MICHELLE07 picked up straight away. I would say that x24 was the first person to inspire me to emerge myself from hiding, MICHELLE07 would be the first person to make sense to me at so many levels by showing her grace, her gift, her passion, her will-power, her talent to present with her best capability and her special approach to bring out the potentials in the others.
After our getting to know each other, here I still am and here I will be, sticking around, sharing what I have known, learning from you all, worrying about what bothers you, laughing at what muses you, being excited about what makes you happy. Day by day, I am more and more considering you all my Australia family, my values on life are being reshaped for the better, my approaches to dealing with issues become more mature and realistic.
Secondly, my special thanks to @指纹 @周星星1832 @newozer @欢语 @Serin @webster @妮南 @EmilyS @大米粥 @Lopemann @don @sucewang @BlackUmatta for always being there. You guys are my best reason to come here, to hang around, to get ahead and to carry on!
Last but not least, a big thank-you to DCXG treatment advisory team---@chubbycat @nil newozer @dcxg
When we first established this team, dcxg was really sick, :lol :lol :lol His being psychologically unwell made it come to live my strong sense of professionalism and responsibility. To bring his behaviour out of destruction, I had to work the hardest ever in my FreeOz career to find him back on track. Because dcxg's public high profile, I made a fortune by publicizing his diagnosis, treatment regime and healing process.
Here, I guess I have to apologize to him for pushing him to become someone he doesn't enjoy being. So, he felt a bit out of place when he started behaving differently. Now, he, all of sudden, excused him from the public eyes, leaving his best friends in despair and frustrated.They have launched the major man-hunt frantically FreeOz-wide in a hope that dcxg would turn up and once again bring on to us all the joy! :lol :lol :lol
Oh, dcxg topic got me carried away a bit, my apology to you all! Now, I can't recall why I started the speech or where I am going!
Maybe MICHELLE07 has something to do with it! :lol :lol :lol
亲爱的,你到底把尼玛哥怎么啦? yping88 is one of the most priceless IDs in freeoz.:good
I mean the person, not the brand-name ID. :lol MICHELLE07 发表于 1-2-2014 14:23 static/image/common/back.gif
BTW,这可是雅思8分+作文啊,我烤鸭那会儿要是有yping该多好:lol MICHELLE07 发表于 1-2-2014 14:23 static/image/common/back.gif
I will have to try much harder to figure out 尼玛哥'd whereabout unless he has been kidnapped by 咱们的尼玛嫂!
By winning the two titles, I am now 2000 FreeOz dollars richer, which means I got $2000 stronger in my power to hire a bounty hunter to track him down! :lol:lol:lol 人才啊,人才:good:zan Rumor has it that @dcxg has reappeared bruised and swollen right after Chinese New Year!
We feel so relieved that he came back as a whole, and hopefully he would be able to be back on feet soon, put his success in 2013 in the past and continuously make his contribution to this forum!
Congratulations to his 2013! 没仔细看,哥那么一眼瞭过去,基本就是dcxg,
介就对了!:yct_4 使劲的想我就对了
介个节奏就是哥想要的;P:lol 介揍是魅力!
no matter 你承认与否:yct_4 dcxg 发表于 1-2-2014 18:47 static/image/common/back.gif
Psychologically resilient! :yct_4 俺喜欢智慧型美女:lol 牧马人 发表于 1-2-2014 19:12 static/image/common/back.gif
I reckon @dcxg is a HE rather than SHE!
You got his identity all mixed up, 牧马人!
Btw, I am looking forward to your victory speech! I am pretty sure it will be sensational! dcxg 发表于 1-2-2014 18:48 static/image/common/back.gif
I have to admit that it could sometimes be all about you when you acted erratically! yping88 发表于 1-2-2014 19:20 static/image/common/back.gif
I reckon @dcxg is a HE rather than SHE!
You got his identity all mixed up, 牧马人!
绝对没有mix up。
牧马人 发表于 1-2-2014 19:28 static/image/common/back.gif
绝对没有mix up。
你能不能别踩着饭点的节奏发介个啊。。。啊。。。:tk_33 牧马人 发表于 1-2-2014 19:28 static/image/common/back.gif
绝对没有mix up。
Where did you take this pic for dcxg? I don't think it's his personal best though! :yct_4 yping88 is our proud of Freeoz.
yping88 发表于 1-2-2014 19:20 static/image/common/back.gif
I reckon @dcxg is a HE rather than SHE!
You got his identity all mixed up, 牧马人!
我的智慧姐姐。 MICHELLE07 发表于 1-2-2014 21:09 static/image/common/back.gif
神马都是浮云!Heeeheee 哥在牧马人眼里是啥形象根本就不重要!:yct_4 dcxg 发表于 31-1-2014 23:48 static/image/common/back.gif
;P;P;P 雅思后遗症看到勾文就想起一千五百块人民币:@ yping88的智慧都是哥给挤出来的:yct_4 dcxg 发表于 2-2-2014 09:22 static/image/common/back.gif
所谓乱世造英雄!:yct_4 啥时候楼上二位PK一下智慧吧。。。请牧马人举个小旗子当裁判。。。
估计最后就是裁判不是裁判了:lol dcxg 发表于 2-2-2014 09:22 static/image/common/back.gif
传神倒是传神, 但
智慧是可以挤出来的么... yping88 发表于 2-2-2014 09:28 static/image/common/back.gif
气点太低:yct_4 ;P;P;P MillerYang 发表于 2-2-2014 11:25 static/image/common/back.gif
Bring it on, @dcxg!
I am right here waiting for your tricks! ;P:yct_4