Skilled employment
You can receive up to 20 points for skilled employment.
To claim points for skilled employment you must have, in the 10 years before you were invited to apply, at least 20 hours of paid work per week in your nominated skilled occupation and/or a closely related occupation.
Skilled employment is where:
•the relevant assessing authority provides an opinion in your suitable skills assessment that your employment is skilled (you must use the date that skilled employment commenced stated in your skills assessment)
•your employment experience meets the standards for skilled employment set by the relevant assessing authority on their website.
Assessing authorities that have publicly available standards on their website that we will refer to for assessing skilled employment are:
• The Australian Computing Society (ACS):Migration Skills Assessment - see 'Summary of Criteria'
If the relevant assessing authority standards for assessing skilled employment does not have publicly available standards that we refer to, your employment experience must meet at least the minimum indicative skill level set by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). This may apply to occupations which require registration as evidence of a suitable skills assessment.
:funk::funk::funk::funk:没人关心这个了么?难道已经铁板钉钉的事了? 我的情况和你差不多,就指着被ACS砍掉的两年算作工作经验,但是看到你highlight的内容,没希望了 走190吧 扣年份本身就是移民局的要去,不是ACS自己要弄的。所以,明白?