489 新通知——偏远地区州担保不受影响!
AnnouncementDue to a large number of applications there will be a limit of 35 invitations for subclass 489 – Skilled Regional (Provisional) (Sponsored) visas until further notice. This change will be implemented from the 16 December 2013 invitation round.
Please note that this will not have any impact on state or territory government nominations for subclass 489 – Skilled Regional (Provisional) (State or territory nominated) visas and nominations for these visas can continue.
综上所述,489偏远地区州担保不受影响,移友们继续奋斗哦!! :happy: :congra:congra:congra 原址在哪,上次看到的可没有note后面的内容哦 happycory 发表于 6-12-2013 01:07 static/image/common/back.gif
http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/ 了解一下