jojopig2002 发表于 17-11-2013 23:21:16


本帖最后由 jojopig2002 于 18-11-2013 02:20 编辑


jojopig2002 发表于 18-11-2013 00:05:03

本帖最后由 jojopig2002 于 18-11-2013 02:19 编辑


qiuxan 发表于 18-11-2013 00:15:50

the more you earn, the more you need。。。 这个太口语,真正考试你敢写考官就敢给你5.5~并且这个理由太主观,赚大钱却很节约的也大有人在~though the juvenile have better physical health than before, the number of individuals who have mental illness surges.这一句是又改写了一遍题目完全无用呀~而且the number of individuals who have mental illness surges是“结果”而不是“原因”你中心句却说“There are several reasons”,~You are lying to your readers(在鬼佬看来是很严重的错误)~还有就是 小姨的模版:there are xxx reasons。。。1xxx2xxx3xxx 已经被用烂了~

jojopig2002 发表于 18-11-2013 00:21:27

本帖最后由 jojopig2002 于 18-11-2013 00:30 编辑

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