本帖最后由 萄葡 于 24-10-2013 23:44 编辑如题,在布里斯班,其实已经在工作学习发帖了,但是村里同学有兴趣就短我。
We're focused on building a customer experience backed by the best practices and technologies in software development today including:
Continuous Delivery & DevOps;
Lean & Agile;
Groovy & Grails;
NoSQL (including CouchDB and Elasticsearch);
Dropwizard; and
Other things we’re interested in, know anything about them?
Ansible, Vagrant, Packer, Docker, Graphite, Ganglia, Kafka, Neo4j, Cassandra
Wot we need you to do?
Work closely with our front and back end teams to deliver cutting edge solutions
Have a strong software quality focus, delivering excellent code and automated tests;
Be Agile and work with the team to define, implement and improve delivery processes; and
Effectively engage and communicate with a team of developers, architects, testers, business analysts and managers.
Wot can we offer you?
Come on board and enjoy working in a casual environment with other passionate and talented IT professionals. You’ll grow your career, and benefit from mentoring & development from some of Australia’s leading usability experts.
Our journey has only just begun, so if you're passionate about the above then please apply & join some of the most talented software developers in Brisbane! 本帖最后由 pottery 于 24-10-2013 19:26 编辑
呵呵,刚好我手里也有个机会 都是好人啊 赞一个。
请问在爪哇国长大,爪哇是母语的可以有机会申请吗:lol 要到什么程度啊?以前做C,C++的,最近转的,可以吗? A+ | Ada | 汇编语言| B |Brainfuck| C | C++ |C++/CLI| Cg | COBOL | Eiffel | Erlang | FORTRAN | IronPython| JRuby | Jython | LISP | Oberon |Objective-C|Ocaml| Pascal | Perl | Powerbuilder | Python | QBASIC | R | REXX | Ruby | Self | Smalltalk | SQL | Tcl/Tk | Visual Basic | PHP | C# | F# | J# |Visual Basic .NET
:ActionScript| JScript |Nuva| PostScript | VBScript | lua
APL/J | Haskell | Logo | ML |pascal|Prolog | Scheme | SAC
ALGOL | BASIC| Clipper | Forth | Modula-2/Modula-3 | MUMPS | PL/I | Simula
唉,就是不会java。 当年java考65分的飘过。。。 要有PR的才招吧。 我的霍巴特 发表于 24-10-2013 21:21 static/image/common/back.gif
A+ | Ada | 汇编语言| B |Brainfuck| C | C++ |C++/CLI| Cg | COBOL | Eiffel | Erlang | FORTRAN | IronPy ...
彪悍的人生不需要解释;P;P 我的霍巴特 发表于 24-10-2013 21:21 static/image/common/back.gif
A+ | Ada | 汇编语言| B |Brainfuck| C | C++ |C++/CLI| Cg | COBOL | Eiffel | Erlang | FORTRAN | IronPy ...
这个比比尔盖茨还牛,让我等搞IT的惭愧呀:L ubuntuhk 发表于 25-10-2013 23:57 static/image/common/back.gif
唉,彪悍的人生总是充满悲剧。 pig2pig 发表于 27-10-2013 08:54 static/image/common/back.gif
就这水平,下岗很多年了。一声叹息 我的霍巴特 发表于 27-10-2013 22:02 static/image/common/back.gif
比尔盖茨也下岗了,您也一定去做慈善去了 pig2pig 发表于 27-10-2013 22:31 static/image/common/back.gif