http://www.immi.gov.au/legislation/amendments/2013/131028/lc28102013-01.htmCommencement: 28 October 2013
Client summary
From 28 October 2013, the Migration Regulations 1994 ('the Regulations') are amended to put beyond doubt that skills assessments cannot be used to permit the grant of a visa class, subclass or stream to which the assessment is not meant to apply. It is intended that a skilled visa shall not be granted as the result of a skills assessment that is restricted to another visa.
For these purposes, a 'skilled visa' is a Subclass 186 (Employer Nomination Scheme) visa, a Subclass 187 (Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme) visa, a Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent) visa, a Subclass 190 (Skilled Nominated) visa, a Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa or a Subclass 489 (Skilled Regional (Provision)) visa.
It is a criterion for the grant of a skilled visa that an 'assessing authority' or a 'relevant assessing authority' has assessed the applicant's skills as suitable for the occupation nominated in the application.
The assessing authority (both a 'relevant assessing authority' and an 'assessing authority') must be able to assess the suitability of an applicant's skills against different standards as the standards against which an applicant is assessed can vary depending on the visa applied for. The assessment may either be issued in respect of an application for a specific visa subclass or stream (for example, a Subclass 485 visa) or not be restricted by reference to a specific visa subclass or stream (an 'open' assessment).
The amendments clarify which skills assessments can be relied upon to either meet a requirement to make a valid visa application for, or to satisfy a criterion for the grant of, a skilled visa.
Affected legislation
The following provisions of the Regulations are amended:
•Subregulation 2.26B(3) is inserted
•Schedule 1, paragraph (c) of table item 4 in subitem 1137(4) is amended
•Schedule 1, paragraph (c) of table item 4 in subitem 1138(4) is amended
•Schedule 1, paragraph (c) of table item 4 in subitem 1230(4) is amended
•Schedule 2, subclause 186.234(2) is amended
•Schedule 2, paragraph 186.234(2)(aa) is inserted
•Schedule 2, paragraph 187.234(b) is amended
•Schedule 2, subclause 189.212(1) is amended
•Schedule 2, subclause 190.212(1) is amended
•Schedule 2, subclause 489.222(1) is amended
•Schedule 6D, paragraph (e) in table item 6D111 of Part 6D.11 is amended
•Schedule 13, Part 22 and item 2201 are inserted.
Additional information
Transitional provisions:
The amendments relating to the Subclass 186 (Employer Nomination Scheme) visa and the Subclass 187 (Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme) visa apply in relation to an application for a visa made on or after 28 October 2013.
The amendments relating to paragraph (c) of table item 4 of subitems 1137(4), 1138(4) and 1230(4) of Schedule 1, the Subclass 189 (Skilled-Independent) visa, the Subclass 190 (Skilled-Nominated) visa, the Subclass 489 (Skilled-Regional (Provisional)) visa and paragraph (e) in table item 6D111 of Part 6D.11 of Schedule 6D apply in relation to an application for a visa made on or after 28 October 2013 as a result of an invitation in writing on or after 28 October 2013 by the Minister to apply for the visa.
PAM3 has been amended to reflect these changes.
@考拉国艾利克斯 等高人解读 多谢分享。字面意思可以看,但是实际操作会有什么影响?求解 yanzhaofeng2012 发表于 21-10-2013 14:07 static/image/common/back.gif
俺的理解是,实际操作中,对咱们这种已经eLodge的申请人没影响:mk_11 LeeTheRiskTaker 发表于 21-10-2013 15:09 static/image/common/back.gif
恩,似乎是没啥影响。 pawehu 发表于 21-10-2013 13:30 static/image/common/back.gif
@考拉国艾利克斯 等高人解读
其实移民局的这个公告就是说,职业评估分两种,一种是不限制签证类别的职业评估,另一种是限制签证类别的职业评估。比如,自10月28日起,刚毕业无工作经验的申请人申请ACS职业评估,只能获得限制签证类别的职业评估(如485签证)。申请人持此职业评估结果只可申请485签证,不能申请其他签证(如189,190) shyaka 发表于 21-10-2013 15:12 static/image/common/back.gif
但是不排除移民局算旧账的可能性,就好像拿老版ACS评估结果申请还是被减经验一样。。:mk_6 这个基本上是针对186,187签证人的
如果之前为了申请485签证而做了SKILLS ASSESSMENT,你的技术评估结果不能用于186或者187申请
死人移民局 职业评估难道和你申请的Visa类型有关?不可能啊?职业评估的结果是通用的啊,你可以用来申请189,190,186,187,457. 难道我理解错了? shark20088 发表于 21-10-2013 22:37 static/image/common/back.gif
职业评估难道和你申请的Visa类型有关?不可能啊?职业评估的结果是通用的啊,你可以用来申请189,190,186,18 ...
现在是通用的,不过从10月28日开始要改政策了,比如ACS的职业评估 难道意味着ACS的评估在10月28日后都要重新做?之前的评估信都是不分visa种类的 等待高人解读、分享。 这主要是针对留学生的 他们因为刚毕业 实际上只有教育学位 却并没有实际的工作skill经验 所以现在这些留学生在职业评估机构做的职业评估 却能直接来申请189、190,186,187这些名称就叫做skilled visa的签证是明显不合理的
于是移民法做了修改 允许职业评估机构可以根据申请者情况的不同 有不同标准的评估结果 特别是针对留学生 由于只有学位背景无工作skill背景,于是职业评估机构应该只能给他们开出适合485签证的职业评估 然后这些留学生在以后获得了相应工作经验之后 才能申请到可以用于189,190,186,187的职业评估。 See more at: http://ozdeep.com/2013/10/21/amend-1028-mr1994-skillassessmnt-485/
此次10.28新法的核心变化内容就是职业评估机构将可以根据申请人背景条件的不同能出具与之匹配对应的评估结果。此举可能是变相针对刚毕业留学生将无法直接申请技术移民类skilled PR签证(189,190)以及186,187还有489。
留学生毕业时因为实际只有学位背景,却可能并无实际专业相关工作经验。按照现行政策,刚毕业留学生们却可以到职业评估机构拿到一份通用合格适用的职业评估用于申请技术移民PR(189/190)或者489或者其他技术移民类签证(186/187)。因为现在职业评估机构给出的职业评估结果是不分类别的,无论申请人的背景是刚毕业无技术工作经验的学生还是已经累计多年工作经验的技术人才,他们拿到的是相同的印有“合格适用”职业评估结果。 这样的职业评估结果满足适用189/190/489/186/187签证申请条件,所以刚毕业的留学生可以直接申请这些其实是为专业技术人才设立的签证类别。 为了改变上述不合理性,此次立法允许职业评估机构可以根据申请人背景条件不同开具不同分类的职业评估结果。针对刚毕业的留学生只有学位背景无专业相关技术工作经验的情况,评估机构将只能给出对应匹配毕业生临时签证(485)的职业评估结果。这样的职业评估结果信上将会印有仅供毕业生临时签证(485)有效,无法用于其他类别签证申请。 这样等于是限制了刚毕业的留学生无法直接申请技术移民类PR签证(189/190)或者489或者其他技术移民类签证(186/187),而只能先从职业评估机构那里得到仅供毕业生临时签证(485)有效的职业评估。也就是说,毕业生将可能只能先申请485签证,继而才能继续申请其他类别技术移民类签证(189/190/489/186/187)。
Architects Accreditation Council of Australia, Australian Association of Social Workers, Australasian College of Physical, Scientists and Engineers in Medicine, Australian Computer Society, Australian, Dental Council, Australian Institute of Management, Australian Institute of Medical Scientists, Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Australian Institute of Radiography, Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership, Australia, Community Workers Association, Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council, Australian and New Zealand Osteopathic Council, Australian and New Zealand Podiatry Accreditation Council, Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine, Australian Pharmacy Council, Australian Physiotherapy Council, Australian Psychological Society, Australasian Veterinary Boards Council, Certified Practising Accountants of Australia, Chinese Medicine Board of Australia, Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia, Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Dietitians Association of Australia, Engineers Australia, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, Medical Board of Australia, National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, Occupational Therapy Council, Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand, Institute of Public Accountants, Speech Pathology Association of Australia, State Legal Admissions Authority, Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute, Trades Recognition Australia and Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services.
See more at: http://ozdeep.com/2013/10/21/amend-1028-mr1994-skillassessmnt-485/ 如果这是真的的话,留学毕业生得先找工作才能进行移民职业评估,那岂不是自毁留学产业?没绿卡找工难度有多大这帮人不知道? 留学产业岿然不动,因为就是不准移民的一样是第三 第四
就是每人发一个PR的2006年还是第三 第四
认清事实不可能超过英美,也不会低过新西兰,所以随便怎么折腾吧 鹰扬天下 发表于 22-10-2013 15:04 static/image/common/back.gif
留学产业岿然不动,因为就是不准移民的一样是第三 第四
就是每人发一个PR的2006年还是第三 第四
darrenlee 发表于 22-10-2013 17:07 static/image/common/back.gif