issteven 发表于 16-10-2013 03:40:45


现在还在stage4, 想把职业小改,是不是等结果出来再review?这个review大概要多少时间?谢谢。

老猫漫步 发表于 16-10-2013 12:19:29


ivan.xue 发表于 16-10-2013 12:33:57

Review & Appeals
A formal Review and Appeal process is in place if you wish to review or appeal the results or details of your assessment.
You are required to submit a Review or Appeal application to have your results formally actioned.
Review and Appeal applications can only be submitted within 60 days of a finalised skills assessment. After the 60 days have elapsed, a new application is required.
The ACS is committed to the highest quality standards in conducting assessments with integrity and professionalism in providing a formal appeal and review process for all applicants regarding assessment outcomes.
Reasons for Reviews:
 If you wish to be assessed for a different ANZSCO Code after your original application is finalised
 If you wish to submit additional documentation that was not included in the original application to have your result updated
 Full review of your skills assessment
Review Details:
 A review fee is payable for all review assessments
 Please upload additional documentation to support your review application
 A review cannot be completed if the result letter has already been used for Migration purposes
To submit a Review, please go to the Online Application Form and use the “Linking to an Earlier Application” option.
Please Note: After the 60 days have elapsed, a review is no longer possible and a new application is required.
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查看完整版本: ACS评估职业想小改是不是等结果出来review?