本科物理 2002毕业
2003-2005 计算机开发 2年
2005-2007 计算机硕士 2年 (没有提交兼职证明)
2007-现在 计算机开发
2012年提交ACS,评估出来的工作经验是 (2003-2005) + (2007-2012.2) 一共6年半左右。即承认了计算机硕士毕业2007以前的工作经验。
如果2014年2月过期重新评估的,是不是计算机硕士毕业以后才算工作经验,即2007-2014.2,还是6年半。是这样的吗?? 把老的结果也交给他们看会不会变8年半? 补充:
ACS pdf
Skilled Employment Date
The date specified for skilled employment for a Bachelor or above, not relevant to the ANZSCO, is upon
completion of 4 years experience. For a relevant degree, it is either 2 years in the past 10 years or 4
years in any time period, whichever is earlier.
For qualifications below a Bachelor, 5 years in the past 10 years and 6 years in any time period.
If the date specified for skilled employment is earlier than the completion of the qualification; the date
will be noted as the completion date of the qualification. In this case, the date specified for skilled
employment cannot be earlier than the completion date of the qualification. 就是说必须在学历之后才算经验,至少2年。
If the applicant has multiple qualifications, the date will be based on whichever result is the earliest date.
那我就是从2007年才可以算经验了。。。哎。。。悲剧。。。没有8年了 本科物理的话是ict minor专业要扣5年,硕士计算机的话是ict major是扣2年,这个有点复杂,不知道怎么扣法
有可能是硕士毕业后的工作经验再扣2年,如果那两年可以往前扣那就是你理解的6年半吧 gundammk2 发表于 4-9-2013 21:47 static/image/common/back.gif
本科物理的话是ict minor专业要扣5年,硕士计算机的话是ict major是扣2年,这个有点复杂,不知道怎么扣法
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your email
Unfortunately we cannot advise when you have met the ACS requirements as this will be determine at the time of the formal application.
We would suggest to provide as much information for the application and the required met date will be noted on the result letter once finalised
Skills Assessment
Professional Standards, Learning & Development
D +61 (0) 2 9290 3422
Level 11, 50 Carrington Street
Sydney NSW 2000
T 02 9299 3666
F 02 9299 3997
To: Skills Assessment
Subject: question: Is skilled employment date caculated after an ICT degree ?
Dear Sir,
I notice that in the ACS web,
Skilled Employment Date
The date specified for skilled employment for a Bachelor or above, not relevant to the ANZSCO, is upon
completion of 4 years experience. For a relevant degree, it is either 2 years in the past 10 years or 4
years in any time period, whichever is earlier.
Here is my case. I got my Bachelor degree of Physics in 2002, and got my Master degree of Computer in 2007 in China. I engaged in my full-time job of software develpment in 2003-2013.I wonder which year can I claim my Skilled Employment Date? 2005 or 2009?
So I write you to ask for that.Thank you very much.
Yours Sincerely
估计是从2009年开始算工作经验。 1CM 发表于 6-9-2013 10:48 static/image/common/back.gif