本帖最后由 shyaka 于 26-8-2013 18:09 编辑http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/
The total ceiling will remain the same for these occupations in the 2013-2014 program year as displayed in the occupational ceiling table with the relevant occupations marked with an asterisk (*).
2613 Software and Applications Programmers* 4800 1333
2633 Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 114 114
occupational ceiling 表中被标记*号的职业,2013-2014财年的上限不会变。但是不知道大家注意到没,下面的表格中,六个悲剧职业中,2613等其他几个职业还是有*的,2633的*号却神奇的没有了,ceiling还成了114,不知道是写真的错了,还是DIAC玩起阴招,偷偷改了ceiling? 一直搞不懂*代表啥意思。。。。。 hohoxixi 发表于 26-8-2013 18:09 static/image/common/back.gif
Occupation ceilings 这一栏下面写了,打了*号的职业上限不会变。 表示2633不再被需要。上个月这个ceiling还是300左右我记得。现在直接过了几个就改成几,reach ceiling。所以也不用打*号了。奇怪的是没有说明一下。所以也保不齐是还没最后确定。 depedro 发表于 26-8-2013 18:19 static/image/common/back.gif
表示2633不再被需要。上个月这个ceiling还是300左右我记得。现在直接过了几个就改成几,reach ceiling。所以 ...
恩,有可能。DIAC先把ceiling减少,然后去掉*号,可能以后ceiling会重新放开? 同关注,刚刚发了enquiry email 给DIAC了,希望有个答复 pawehu 发表于 26-8-2013 18:29 static/image/common/back.gif
同关注,刚刚发了enquiry email 给DIAC了,希望有个答复
HI: DIAC的邮箱是什么啊?我昨天说发信问问EOI的事,找了半天没找到哦。。。
谢谢啦 contact us 那里有个feedback的页面,在线填表单反馈 pawehu 发表于 26-8-2013 18:29 static/image/common/back.gif
同关注,刚刚发了enquiry email 给DIAC了,希望有个答复
我也仔细读了一下occupational ceilings 的说明,说这六个职业持续收到很多申请者的申请,通信工程师2633是其中之一。可是下面关于星号*的说明在8月5号的round之后通信工程师的ceiling还是300个,邀请了114个,同时他们也说明这些职业的ceiling不会变动,2633通信也在其中。在8月19号的round之后,2633 通信工程师的ceiling就变成了114,同时星号也给去掉了。
我8月2号提交的EOI, 就是2633通讯,65分,也太悲剧了吧! 本帖最后由 贯虹 于 28-8-2013 00:25 编辑
The department has continued to receive high numbers of EOIs for below six occupations:
Chemical and Materials Engineers
ICT Business and Systems Analysts
Electronics Engineers
Telecommunications Engineering Professionals
Other Engineering Professional
Software and Applications Programmers.
Some of these are close to reaching their ceiling for this program year. To prevent this from occurring and to allow intending migrants in these occupations to receive invitations throughout the program year, the department is currently working on arrangements for the allocation of the remaining places for these occupations and we hope to be able to issue invitations for these occupations in the next invitation round on 2 September 2013.
The total ceiling will remain the same for these occupations in the 2013�2014 program year as displayed in the occupational ceiling table with the relevant occupations marked with an asterisk (*).
从指代关系上,these occupations应该包括所有六个。所以要么下面的list错了(这应该是我们大家都期待的),要么这句话错了。 大家加油。。。 hyj_0000 发表于 27-8-2013 18:02 static/image/common/back.gif
我也仔细读了一下occupational ceilings 的说明,说这六个职业持续 ...
不行就重新评估其他专业了。 赶早不赶晚,越到后面风险越大。