NSW的网站为什么单独强调2339和2613 suspended
Suspended occupationson NSW State Migration PlanDue to the current imposition of pro-rata occupationceilings to certain occupation groups, announced by DIAC on 05 August 2013, NSWis currently not accepting applications in the following categories:
Other Engineering Professional - 2339
Software and Applications Programmers - 2613
Occupations that are'SUSPENDED' cannot be accepted until further notice.
六大KB职业其他的不也是suspended吗,这两个单独强调有啥意思?针对8月5日前投递的还是没有结论阿,到底是有戏还是没戏阿? 同样期待DICA的消息啊 不看贴呢,其它的四个NSW不担保 是不是意思是说:‘这2类人太多了。
就TM禁止这2类担保? 就是说这两类不接受了,其他的四类先暂停,等进一步通知。 jiuqijiuqi 发表于 23-8-2013 12:33 static/image/common/back.gif
3楼有回帖,其他的四类不是先暂停,而是NSW本来就不担保。 不知道489受不受影响啊