Co回信,“Unfortunately, ensuring all the legal requirements are met includin...
前几天分到co,要求补本人和配偶的80表。然后昨天去催签,结果co回信如下:At present your application is undergoing routine processing. Unfortunately, ensuring all the legal requirements are met including meeting all checks in relation to an application can take some time. I cannot give you a time frame.
I will be following up on the status of your application on a regular basis to ensure it is being processed as soon as practicable.You will be contacted if we require additional information to process your application.
We appreciate your patience in this matter.
:'( 请问大家有遇到过类似的问题吗?
all checks 包括哪些东西?一般会花费多久呢?谢谢!!! 看着像是模板回信啊。请问楼主什么时候elodge的? baozi_sjz 发表于 13-8-2013 13:16 static/image/common/back.gif
6月17日lodge的, 189 同意二楼,这就是个模板回信.让楼主耐心等,但是不给具体时间表 All non-citizens applying for visas to enter Australia are considered on an individual basis and against legal requirements set out in Australia's migration legislation. This often includes requirements that applicants undertake and meet (where relevant) health, character and national security checks that are undertaken by other agencies; and this can take some time. It can take several months to gain the necessary information from other agencies.
The timing for completion of the checks varies from one case to another, depending on the individual circumstances. Unfortunately I am unable to provide you with a definitive time-frame for finalization of this application. You can be assured, however, that the assessing officer will do all he can to ensure that the application is finalized as quickly as possible.
谢谢楼上各位好心人,心里踏实点了。 zch021 发表于 13-8-2013 13:17 static/image/common/back.gif
6月17日lodge的, 189
能否告知何时分的CO,大家好参考进度? wangxin0222 发表于 13-8-2013 17:22 static/image/common/back.gif
8月8日分的co 请问楼主co是哪位,谢谢 没有特殊理由的话,轻易不要催CO。要是遇到不好的CO,没准会找茬整的很痛苦的。因为移民局官方公布的时间是6个月以上,所以在这段期间,没有任何非紧急的原因,都最好不要去催CO。 yongheng0525 发表于 15-8-2013 11:13 static/image/common/back.gif