本帖最后由 么么公主 于 25-8-2013 20:41 编辑我爸妈去年来过呆了1年,现在回国快1年,这次想给他们办3年的签证,就是保险不太知道哪个公司的比较便宜。
谢谢。 有的CO不严格的只要国内大型保险公司购买的境外旅游险就行了,比如友邦。要是严格的CO就要求必须买澳洲的,那BUPA应该是最最便宜的了,只有一种,Overseas visitors每周23.6刀。 关注一下 悉尼宝宝龙 发表于 8-7-2013 00:30 static/image/common/back.gif
有的CO不严格的只要国内大型保险公司购买的境外旅游险就行了,比如友邦。要是严格的CO就要求必须买澳洲的, ...
谢谢啊。。 BUPA is pretty cheap.
You can worry about Insurance when CO has granted visa. Sometimes they grant without requriing insurance.
But if you have babies, insurance is almost mandatory EmilyS 发表于 8-7-2013 14:17 static/image/common/back.gif
BUPA is pretty cheap.
You can worry about Insurance when CO has granted visa. Sometimes they gran ...
为啥有baby要保险呢???我只有2个大孩子,10岁左右。。 么么公主 发表于 8-7-2013 14:22 static/image/common/back.gif
Because COs are concerned about infectious diseases. COs will most likely order a heath check as well.
But again, don't worry until they actually ask you to do it. Sometimes they grant visas without ordering anything...
三年600的必须要买保险,即使CO不要求立即买,因为longer tourist签证会有8501限制,也就是说第二次登陆的时候也要买。
condition 8501 - The holder must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance while the holder is in Australia.
condition 8503 - The holder will not, after entering Australia, be entitled to be granted a substantive visa, other than a protection visa, while the holder remains in Australia.
condition 8558 - The holder must not spend more than 12 months in Australia in an 18 months period. 差不多,我们也买的bupa,两个人两千多块。 谢谢啊。。。我这就研究区。。。。:handshake 今天给父母交表了北京现在是在东直门的一个签证处理中心处理。。。希望一切顺利。。。:victory: 借地方问问大家父亲签证的体检费是多少? 也问一个问题,我母亲得到了12个月的签证,她入境时必须有返程机票吗?谢谢。 申请等的时间好长呀,我7月9日递签收的,到现在还没收到体检通知,急呀:@ bluemntn 发表于 19-7-2013 00:48 static/image/common/back.gif
回程机票随意 susan166 发表于 19-7-2013 03:59 static/image/common/back.gif
我父母递的北京。 哎呀,好多天了,没消息啊。。。。。:Q 今天打电话去签证中心了,大概是10天才会有结果,我19号交的。
月底看来才会有消息了。 susan166 发表于 19-7-2013 03:59 static/image/common/back.gif
你现在收到了么???我也还没收到体检通知!!!:yct_33 今天终于拿到回信,说让父母体检并购买保险:$ 学习了~以后有用 > · in your case, 3 years validity with multiple entry, and providing for
> a stay in Australia of up to 12 months on each entry, subject to the
> provision of health insurance evidence. 明天去给父母买保险去。。。
> If you decide to take the offer of a long validity visa, please provide
> us with the health insurance evidence via email or via the AVAC within
> 28 days of the date of this email. Our requirements for health insurance
> cover are that:
> 1. The insurance is appropriate for visitors to Australia. For policies
> not purchased in Australia the minimum benefit for Medical Reimbursement
> costs must be AUD 1,000,000.
> 2. The insurance cover is for 12 months, showing the start date and end
> date of the membership with the insurer, and/or that the insurance cover
> will commence on the date you arrive in Australia for a period of 12
> months.
> 3. The insurance evidence should include the applicant's full name and
> date of birth.
> It will be your responsibility to ensure that health insurance cover is
> maintained during any subsequent visit to Australia, or your visa may be
> cancelled.
> Please be advised that obtaining insurance does not guarantee that a
> visa application will be approved. If an applicant has paid for the
> insurance policy and the visa is refused, it is a matter for the
> applicant to seek from the insurer a refund of any amount paid. Please
> also note that longer validity visas will only be granted where a client
> obtains an acceptable medical clearance as a result of the health
> examination process. 本帖最后由 cl04r 于 1-8-2013 10:41 编辑
问一下,你父母第一次去的时候买的国内的还是国外的保险啊? 保险是这样的,Bupa确实要1年少200快,大概是父母2人,每个月203
费用是50块钱的process fee,买1个月,12个月价格都一样。
这个是最基本的,国内的没买过,希望有国内的朋友介绍国内的保险。 父母成功拿到签证,3年多次往返。