我和老婆两个人现在是489签证(偏远地区亲属担保,我是主申,老婆副申), 那四年有效期后可以转887,但是在移民局网站887签证的Eligibility里面,对于Secondary Applicant,有Eligible visa的要求:见
对于Secondary Applicant必须持有一下类别签证才可以申请887签证:但这里面没有489啊。。。 这不科学, 是移民局网站没更新吗, 但是主申里面这一项就有489,求达人解释。
Eligible visas for secondary applicants
All secondary applicants must hold an eligible visa. You meet this requirement if any one of the following applies to you:
you hold a Skilled – Independent Regional (Provisional) visa (Subclass 495)
you hold a Skilled – Designated Area – Sponsored (Provisional) visa (Subclass 496)
you hold a Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) visa (Subclass 487 or 475)
you hold a Bridging visa A or Bridging visa B because you have made a valid application for a Subclass 495 or Subclass 487 visa
you hold an eligible Student visa
注意是Eligible visas for secondary applicants。887副申不含489吧? sweetstar 发表于 21-6-2013 15:40 static/image/common/back.gif
注意是Eligible visas for secondary applicants。887副申不 ...
887副申不含489, 我问的就是这个问题啊, 那就是说,现在夫妻二人申请了489, 那么转887的时候,就只能两人当作主申来申请,不能一个主申一个副申来申请887了? according to my knowledge anyone of you couple can be 主申 in application of visa 887,and if it would be approved, both of you get visa 887 which means PR。