2011-2012 维州警方有记录的关于各区每10万人犯罪率的统计
本帖最后由 sinbad 于 3-7-2013 09:11 编辑2012 维州警方有记录的关于各区每10万人犯罪率的统计,前三十名如下:
Ranking Postcode Name
1 3000 Melbourne City
2 3047 Broadmeadows/Dallas
3 3182 St Kilda
4 3011 Footscray
5 3175 Dandenong/Bangholme
6 3006 Southbank
7 3121 Richmond/Burnley
8 3072 Preston+East
9 3181 Prahran
10 3020 Sunshine/Albion
11 3051 North Melbourne
12 3199 Frankston
13 3032 Ascot Vale/Maribyrnong
14 3053 Carlton South
15 3031 Flemington/Newmarket
16 3081 Heidelberg West/Heights
17 3076 Epping
18 3074 Thomastown
19 3134 Ringwood+North/Warranwood
20 3058 Coburg+East/Moreland
21 3056 Brunswick
22 3025 Altona North/Brooklyn
23 3198 Seaford
24 3141 South Yarra
25 3128 Box Hill+South/Wattle Park
26 3177 Doveton
27 3042 Niddrie/Airport West
28 3043 Tullamarine/Gladstone Park
29 3168 Clayton/Clayton North/Notting Hill
30 3171 Springvale
数据来源:http://www.police.vic.gov.au/content.asp?Document_ID=782 本帖最后由 sinbad 于 17-6-2013 12:20 编辑
图片死活传不上去,原来是因为用了firefox。。。 Footscray没在内。 本帖最后由 sinbad 于 3-7-2013 09:12 编辑
Footscray 2011/2012 Crime Occurence排第20, Crime rate per 100,000 人口排第四
just wondering from which document you got these data?
If you took information from below document page 86, definitely it is not Rate, but number of occurrences.
http://www.police.vic.gov.au/crimestats/crimestats2011-12.pdf 妮南 发表于 18-6-2013 10:15 static/image/common/back.gif
http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=10 ...
you must remove this reference as it totally WRONG in terms of RATE!
From this webpage you can get a link that combines populations of post code and calculate out rate,
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AvkWFLafpKXOdERVS09vbFlkWTdRUmRBS01qRDN3ZWc&single=true&gid=0&output=html 妮南 发表于 17-6-2013 12:02 static/image/common/back.gif
the crime rate in footscray is one of th highest, in fact it's one of top 5 of greater melbourne area under the condition I set -population greater than 10K
多谢ricowang提醒,主贴已经更正 胆战心惊滴看完了,没有hoppers crossing/werribee:lol:lol Altona也没:lol:lol:lol 一直以为SOUTH YARRA和ST KILDA是好区,治安不怎么地 :good
Reservoir 3073怎么样呢。