求助 ACS评估在线支付
我用的是工商银行的MasterCard支付的,遇到这个问题:Thank you for registering your application which has not yet been submitted as your nominated credit card payment was rejected by the banking gateway (05,Do Not Honour). Please return to this site asap to complete the process. You can recall and update the details you have entered so far using the application 。
我的信用卡有两个额度,一个是人民币额度,一个是美元额度,这个ACS支付是扣哪个额度的款?是我的余额不足?还是不能用MasterCard支付?求助,谢谢!! 好了,已经成功支付了。是我自己填错了CSC/CVV/CID那个数字,应该填信用卡背面的后3位数字。。。。
现在澳元汇率是5.79,不知道会不会继续跌。。。不管咋样,已经支付了,就不去想了,呵呵呵 ;P;P;P