The Queensland Government has had a look at the Expression of Interest that you have lodged on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's SkillSelect website.Your occupation is not on the QSOL for the 190 visa subclass therefore we can only assess you against the 489 visa subclass.
In order to meet our requirements you need the following
我并没有去qld移民局网站申请洲担保啊,只是eoi的时候说我愿意被任何洲担保。。。怎么他们的case officer就联系我了呢。。。。大家说怎么办。。 不是你自己同意被任何州担保吗? 别人现在同意担保,你自己看,想不想要这个担保 原帖由 civil3d 于 2013-5-14 16:11 发表 http://www.hioz.me/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
The Queensland Government has had a look at the Expression of Interest that you have lodged on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's SkillSelect website.
Your occupation is not on the QS ...
老衲,你就赶快从了师太吧…… 489要2年,才能887
LZ三思 主动要求担保你,太优秀了
回复 #5 audreybest 的帖子
LZ理解严重有误。 一旦在EOI中勾选了愿意被担保的洲,即便你没申请某个洲担保,也有可能被某个洲选中你主动给你发出担保邀请。一般是因为你特别优秀或该州特别缺少你这个专业的人才会主动邀请的。 LZ这是炫耀贴。哈哈哈哈哈回复 #8 Gabi 的帖子
I guess you misunderstood; "you must meet the following requirements":indicates he need to provide sth to be successful nominated- not yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 楼主最后走的哪个州呢? 你要是满足你没有贴出部分的条件, 就是说你可能会被担保。如果不能满足,就当没有发生过 LZ是特殊人才,鉴定完毕 I got the invitation like this before.489 could not catch my interest, just ignore it.