我是来咨询费用的?小家伙刚出生,我大概年底登陆。我们一家三口带只狗。我能想到的费用是:机票,相关文件手续费?完全没有概念:555: http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/cat-dogs 狗狗先要去住香港一陣子,還蠻麻煩的,細節不清楚。 这么小可要遭罪了,据说要到香港隔离一个月:Q 不是6个月么? 啊!六个月!真的吗?那要是送去的时候六个月大,出来的时候,,,带着一窝小狗出来;P 我家从新加坡搬悉尼,Cavaliar king charles spaniel, quarantine 三个月。手续费机票费quarantine费加起来大概3000。 刚好奇去lol说的网站看了一下,是6个月。原文如下:China (not including Hong Kong and Macau) is not an AQIS approved country. This means you can not import a cat or dog to Australia directly from China (not including Hong Kong and Macau).
The importation of cats and dogs from a DAFF non approved country can only occur indirectly via DAFF approved country.
If you intend to import cats and dogs indirectly via DAFF approved country, you must first contact the quarantine service in the DAFF approved country to ensure that cats and dogs are eligible for entry. Cats and dogs must meet all of the pre and post-entry quarantine requirements of the DAFF approved country.
Cats and dogs must be continuously resident in DAFF approved country for a minimum of six months prior to export. There are no exceptions to this requirement. Cats and dogs must meet all of the DAFF import conditions that apply to the DAFF approved country before being eligible for import into Australia. 貌似我得投降了。。。。没有捷径吗?我指6个月的等待期。。。。 原帖由 WJ. 于 15-5-2013 11:57 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
a minimum of six months prior to export. There are no exceptions to this requirement 住宿好解决吗? 我们09年来的时候包括香港寄养六个月以及疫苗检验等的一切费用是人民币6--7万,六个月的隔离期是必须的。只能忍痛都送人了。:'( 不平等啊,狗狗都不用办签证,不怕它们非法居留?;P 要是容易的话,我的贝贝也就不送人了,也就不会死的。
我可怜的贝贝啊!永远的心痛! 六个月就别带了。太长了 朋友的猫带过来了。香港六个月,这里隔离一个月一共七个月。费用大概五万人民币。