MICHELLE07 发表于 7-5-2013 16:19:48




目 录 (MICHELLE07)
2楼   第1节 Guns 枪      
7楼   第2节 Breaking Up 分手   
10楼第3节 At The Car Dealership 买车   
11楼第4节 Online Dating 网恋   
15楼第5节 Brief Talk With A Stranger 和陌生人简短交谈
16楼第6节 Marketing Plan 营销计划
21楼第7节 Mobile Phone Plan 手机套餐
23楼第8节 Asking for A Raise 要求加薪
44楼第9节 Capital Punishment 死刑
50楼第10节 Toothache 牙痛
58楼第11节 Investing in Emerging Markets 投资新兴市场
67楼第12节 Complaining at a Restaurant 在餐馆投诉
92楼第13节 Describing Someone’s Face 描述一个人的脸
98楼第14节 Happy New Year 新年快乐
125楼 第15节 Job Hunting 找工作
126楼 第16节 Physics 物理学

目 录 (yping88)
63楼第13幕working place bully
102楼 第18幕五门语言的幽默
117楼 第19幕笑话:三个吹牛的老鼠
136楼 第20幕学校捣乱日
137楼 第21幕替病患看管钱
142楼 第22幕有利于改善医患关系的轻松有效的说话方式
144楼 第23幕一组短语
159楼 第24幕非常难相处的人
161楼 第25幕关于护士专业
175楼 第26幕文化差异
180楼 第27幕一组短语
205楼 第28幕三个恐怖分子袭击中国的笑话
212楼 第29幕写给楼主的话
213楼 第30幕体会别人的感受
219楼 第31幕对付轰炸式发难的人
221楼 第32幕90岁的痴呆孤老是否要装心脏起搏器
252楼 第33幕旅游者的心脏搭桥手术问题
279楼 第34幕预先签署的生命意愿和对女儿的爱与体谅
280楼 第35幕95岁老人平静离世
281楼 第36幕221楼的结局
283楼 第37幕252楼的结局
314楼 第38幕学习方法分享
315楼 第39幕关于飞机故障的幽默
336楼 第40幕身体语言
341楼 第41幕风趣的老人:忘记了你的名字
347楼 第42幕教养狗狗的方法
349楼 第43幕一组短语
350楼 第44幕幽默:自己的孩子是最好的
352楼 第45幕狗狗吠
354楼 第46幕和狗狗在一起的家庭氛围

[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 31-5-2013 15:19 编辑 ]

newozer 发表于 7-5-2013 16:25:22




~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Guns 枪 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Weekend - Guns (C0260)

A: Hey Nick, what are you up to?

B: Not much, just heading over to the shooting
range(射击场). You wanna come?

A: Seriously? You mean to fire a real weapon? I
don’t know man.

B: Yeah it will be fun! I have a 9mm pistol(手枪)that is
really easy to shoot. I also have a revolver(左轮手枪) that’s
really fun too! They have big targets at the range
that we could use to practice and improve your

A: Yeah that would be cool! Maybe I can also have
a try at other weapons like a machine gun(机关枪) or a
shotgun(猎枪)! Maybe even a rocket launcher(火箭发射器) or an anti
tank missile(反坦克导弹)! Or what about a flame thrower(喷火器)!

B: Whoa, take it easy there Rambo. Don’t get carried
away. These weapons are not toys, and you must
first learn how to handle them properly. There are
basic rules that you must abide by in order to be
safe. For example, never handle a weapon that
you haven’t inspected yourself. Always make sure
there isn’t anything in the chamber(腔镗), and never put
your finger on the trigger(扳机) unless you are ready to

A: Wow, I didn’t know! It always looks so cool and
easy in the movies!

B: The reality is different you know, running and firing
a weapon is a lot harder than in the movies! So
are you ready?

A: Let’s do it!

magzine 弹药库
rifle 步枪
round 响
scope 准星
barrel 枪筒


[ 本帖最后由 newozer 于 7-5-2013 20:07 编辑 ]

newozer 发表于 7-5-2013 20:11:28


yearshappy 发表于 7-5-2013 20:36:24

原帖由 newozer 于 7-5-2013 16:25 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif


以下是米同学的原创内容。。第一 ...

布里斯班一 shooting range

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 7-5-2013 21:01 编辑 ]

newozer 发表于 7-5-2013 21:33:23

原帖由 yearshappy 于 7-5-2013 20:36 发表 http://hioz.me/ibbs/images/common/back.gif

布里斯班一 shooting range


俺啥时候也去过把瘾。。。:ppb_39 。。。。。。:ppb_60

katieli 发表于 7-5-2013 21:42:59

Michelle你又让我掉坑里啦:'( :'(

MICHELLE07 发表于 7-5-2013 21:52:13


The Weekend - Breaking Up(分手) (C0281)

Maggie: Hey! Do you want to go out tonight?

Lydia: No, I think I’ll pass(我不去了,婉转的拒绝). Mark broke up with me. I feel awful.


Lydia: I don’t know what I did wrong. He said he needed some space to figure things out...(他想要一点空间把事情想清楚)
He said I didn’t do anything wrong, that I’m a great person...just not the one for him...(you are the one->非诚勿挠)

Maggie: Ugh! That’s so clich'e(陈词滥调). Mark’s not worth your time, Lydia. You deserve so much better!

Lydia: I know we had hit a rough patch(遇到困难,有点问题) but I had hoped we could work it out next weekend,

Maggie: Whatever. He’s a jerk(蠢人), forget about him!There are many more fish in the sea.
(哈哈,看来西人特别喜欢鱼,Lydia will catch another fish).

Lydia: Talk about being clich'e, Maggie! But you’re right. There’s no use for me to sulk around(到处发泄愤怒)...

get dumped被甩了
honeymoon period热恋期
long distance relationship异地恋
casual dating抱抱玩玩的态度不以结婚为目的的约会
blind date和不认识/不了解的人约会

[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 19-5-2013 15:22 编辑 ]

yearshappy 发表于 7-5-2013 22:23:34

Pop in to say

Thanks a bunch!

Pack these up and take it away :lol :lol

get dumped/honeymoon period/longdistance relationship/casual dating/blind date

Is this all? I'm up for more :lol
See you tomorrow :lol

MICHELLE07 发表于 8-5-2013 11:28:07

回复 #8 yearshappy 的帖子


Pop in, pop out, pop songs, popcorn, 看来这 pop 还真是好东西。

Thanks a bunch,昨天听 X24同学说 tons of thanks. 我的境界只停留在thanks a lot和 many thanks. 惭愧...

Pack up,每天下午4:55开始必做的工作,还有baby玩具玩好了,"I'll pack them up!"

Up to, 经典,不过如果说 Where are you up to 也行吗?

请问,是否:What are you up to = What's going on= What's up = What's happening= What's new


人不是答:Not much 嘛。

至于Language take away, you can eat here too!!


1. Vocabulary Preview生词预习

2. Language take away 短语,常用说法 (显得流利地道的法宝)




[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 8-5-2013 16:53 编辑 ]

MICHELLE07 发表于 8-5-2013 18:08:18

Global View - At The Car Dealership (C0278)

A: Hi there! I am looking for a new car. I have this
old Ford Pinto that I would like to trade in(以旧换新).

B: I see......
A: Perfect! I like this one.

B: That is the Ford Focus. A very light but powerful
vehicle. It comes with dual side airbags, power
steering(助力转向)and power windows(电动窗户), tinted windows(上色玻璃窗) and
your choice of either automatic or manual transmission.

A: Sounds like a good car! How many miles to the gallon?

B: .....

A: .....

B: A very powerful 2.5-liter turbocharged(涡轮增压)engine,
Trust me, this car is fast!

A: .....
B: Very affordable sir. You can take it out of this lot
today with 0% down payment(首付款) and no interest for
the first year! .....
lemon    看似很合算实际功能很差的货品
limited time offer   限时促销
rip off(动词)    宰客
ripoff(名词)    被宰了的一桩买卖

[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 19-5-2013 15:24 编辑 ]

MICHELLE07 发表于 8-5-2013 18:21:34

Daily Life - Online Dating (C0300)

A: Do you want to hang out(一起出去玩)tomorrow?

B: ....
B: ....
A: Wait a minute, you mean you met her online?

B: Yeah! I signed up for a website called match. and
it is great! You fill in all your details and preferences,
like if you are a smoker or if you have any
pets. Then you find people that have similar characteristics(人品)
and you can email them or chat.

A: That is kind of weird! What if she is a psycho(精神病患者) or
something like that?

B: ....
A: I guess it does seem logical. I’ll have to check it


hunk    帅哥(有魅力的健壮男子)
compatible   合得来的

[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 19-5-2013 15:25 编辑 ]

Lopemann 发表于 8-5-2013 19:16:07


yearshappy 发表于 8-5-2013 22:21:08

原帖由 MICHELLE07 于 8-5-2013 18:21 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
A: Do you want to hang out(一起出去玩)tomorrow?

B: Oh, I can’t. I have a date!

A: Really? Wow with who?

B: This girl I’ve been chatting with for the past couple
of months. She’s really...
:good :good :good great! Back it up.
Got sleepy head tonight :D Talked too much with friends.
Will be back surely :lol

katieli 发表于 8-5-2013 22:26:28


MICHELLE07 发表于 11-5-2013 00:03:49

Brief Talk With A Stranger 和陌生人简单交谈

Daily Life - Small Talk 5 - C0319

A: Oh dear Miss, you are soaked(湿透了)! Wow, it’s
really raining heavily outside.

B: ...
A: ....
B: ....
B: Sure. Well, the avocado sandwich is delicious,
and it’s the healthiest thing on the menu. Personally, I think the beef
salad is the tastiest choice. I usually get that. Also, the milkshakes are the best
milkshakes(奶昔) in town!

A:Well, thanks for the suggestions.

B: Oh, don’t mention it.

scrumptious   特别美味,特别动人

[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 19-5-2013 15:26 编辑 ]

MICHELLE07 发表于 11-5-2013 19:55:52

Marketing Plan


The Office - Marketing Plan (C0269)

A: Okay everyone, let’s begin...

B: Several other shops have reduced the prices for
their coffees and are drawing in(吸引) more customers.
Why aren’t we doing the same thing?

A: ....

B: Customers don’t care about the coffee anymore. They only care about the price.

A: I disagree. Highly discerning(有辨别力的) customers know that
our coffee is far better than the coffee you buy at the other places. Our coffee bean are artisan roasted and we use state-of-the-art(最先进技术的) equipment to
brew our coffees. When you compare the coffees side-by-side our coffee wins the taste test every time. We have never sought to(寻求) appeal to(迎合) the mass market with cheap coffee drinks, and we will not do so now.

C: ....
A: That’s the main question I would like to discuss today.

B: ...
C: That could definitely be a way we could expand our company, but would we be undermining(逐渐削弱)the essence of the company that way?

A: Let’s brainstorm some more ideas, and do some
research. The customer always comes first, and
what the customer wants, the customer gets.
Maybe it’s time we started selling coffee beans.

Product Placement(embedded marketing)植入式营销
Downturn 经济低迷时期
Value Proposition价值观
Word of Mouth 口碑

[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 19-5-2013 15:27 编辑 ]

yearshappy 发表于 13-5-2013 18:55:24

:lolgallon, an American word.
People in Australia use litres.

MICHELLE07 发表于 13-5-2013 20:07:34

回复 #17 yearshappy 的帖子

1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liters   1 UK gallon = 4.54609 liters


newozer 发表于 13-5-2013 20:48:49

原帖由 MICHELLE07 于 13-5-2013 20:07 发表 http://hioz.me/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liters   1 UK gallon = 4.54609 liters

去加油用升,那不亏死了。。。:ppb_75 :ppb_75

yearshappy 发表于 14-5-2013 18:02:41

原帖由 MICHELLE07 于 13-5-2013 20:07 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liters   1 UK gallon = 4.54609 liters


I was told that a US'gallon was smaller than 1 UK's.
Many years ago Australians had gallon but it's the UK's one.
Well, I was lazy enough not to find out of the actual numbers.
Thanks to Michelle :lol

MICHELLE07 发表于 15-5-2013 18:18:07

Mobile Phone Plan

Daily Life - Mobile Phone Plan (C0106)

B: Yeah, I’ve just moved here, and I’d like to activate(激活)
my cell phone, and I’m not sure if I should go with
a prepaid plan, or a monthly rate plan.

A: I see. Well, can I have a look at your phone? Unfortunately,
this phone can’t be used in the US; it’s
not compatible with(与...兼容) our 3G network.

B: ....

A: Well, you’re in luck! You see, if you sign up for our
three-year plan, we’ll throw in(免费赠送) a handset(手机) for free.

B: Really? What’s the catch(有什么隐藏的缺陷/问题吗)?

A: There’s no catch! You just choose a plan, sign a
three-year contract and, that’s it! Actually, we’re
running a special promotion right now, and we’re
giving away a Blackberry Curve(手机的某个品牌系列) with our special
Mega Value(超值) forty dollar plan.

B: ...
A: Well, you get nine hundred anytime minutes, and
you can also enjoy free mobile to mobile calling
to other Tel-Mobile clients, one thousand text
messages per month, and unlimited evening and
weekend minutes. Oh, and we also offer a rollover(余额转到下一期间)

B: ...
A: ...
data package 流量??
landline 固定电话

[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 19-5-2013 15:28 编辑 ]

yearshappy 发表于 15-5-2013 18:29:38

原帖由 MICHELLE07 于 15-5-2013 18:18 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
Daily Life - Mobile Phone Plan (C0106)

B: Yeah, I’ve just moved here, and I’d like to activate(激活)
my cell phone, and I’m not sure if I should go with
a prepaid plan, or a monthly...
赶巧在, 马上学习。:lol

MICHELLE07 发表于 20-5-2013 19:20:31

Asking For A Raise 要求加薪

The Office - Asking For A Raise (C0188)
A: Excuse me sir, may I talk to you?

B: Bill! Sure, come on in. What can I do for you?

A: Well sir, as you know, I have been an employee of
this prestigious(声望很高的)firm for over ten years.

B: Yes.

A: I won’t beat around the bush(不绕弯地说话). Sir, I would like a
raise. I currently have three companies after me
and so I decided to talk to you first.

B: A raise? Son, I would love to give you a raise, but
this is just not the right time.

A: I understand your position, and I know that the
current economic downturn has had a negative
impact on sales, but you must also take into consideration
my hard work, pro-activeness and loyalty
to this company for over a decade.

B: Taking into account(考虑到) these factors, and considering
I don’t want to start a brain drain(人才流失), I’m willing
to offer you a ten percent raise and an extra five
days of vacation time. How does that sound?

A: Great! It’s a deal! Thank you, sir!

B: Before you go, just out of curiosity, what companies
were after you?

A: Oh, the electric company, gas company and water

to move up the ladder 升职
demotion 降职

tingnishuo 发表于 21-5-2013 10:25:43

wow, Mega Value!

yping88 发表于 21-5-2013 19:53:40

本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-7-2013 15:49 编辑

Wow, I never knew you're running this show here, Michelle. Listen, can I be casted in as one of the supporting actresses? I got a hunch (预感) this show will be catchy (走红).

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 29-5-2013 06:58 编辑 ]

yping88 发表于 21-5-2013 19:58:06

I am waiting for your permission, Michelle!

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 21-5-2013 20:00 编辑 ]

MICHELLE07 发表于 21-5-2013 20:44:00

回复 #26 yping88 的帖子

其实我的中文名字和你的ID有点接近. 很高兴你来助力呀.


水平实在有限, 没你那么多好东西奉献.


yping88 发表于 21-5-2013 21:47:05

回复 #27 MICHELLE07 的帖子

本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-7-2013 15:53 编辑

Cool. But as a supporting actress, I won't make a grand entrance (华丽出场), which will make me to steal your thunder (抢你的风头). I'll be aware of my boundary (知道自己该做什么), not step on anybody's toes (别惹恼别人). Lol.

Kidding, I would give it my best shot (使出浑身解数) at doing the above, I was just promising those to make sure I can grab a chance (抓住机会) to show off 显摆 what you already knew.

yping88 发表于 21-5-2013 21:48:19

回复 #27 MICHELLE07 的帖子

But don't get upset if I do get into your hair (惹着你们).

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 21-5-2013 21:51 编辑 ]

MICHELLE07 发表于 21-5-2013 21:53:09

回复 #28 yping88 的帖子


说真的,你手上有一堆素材, 然后用你的天才大脑临时使用它们呢,还是这些固定说法本来就在脑子里了?
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