替友请教--职位不在SOL但在CSOL是否要先弄到州担保才可以移民呢?朋友的职位不在SOL里面,但是在Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL) 里面。 后者是for
• Points based skilled migration applicants who are nominated by a State or Territory government agency under a State Migration Plan
那么这样子应该申请移民的类别是 Skilled - Nominated or Sponsored (Provisional) (subclass 489) visa 了吧?
具体申请的流程该是如何呢?是不是第一步要先拿到州担保提名,再第二步做职业评估以及考雅思啊? 求高手指教, 不胜感激! http://hioz.org/ibbs/thread-1049072-1-1.html 这个帖子可以参考下 谢谢版主,我看了你的帖子 很好很强大, 251512 这个职业担保的州是ACT, 那哪里查今年名额还有木有,然后流程呢, 是不是和S1类的一样 先提交EOI等消息就行? 谢谢 原帖由 澳洲澳洲 于 8-4-2013 14:13 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
谢谢版主,我看了你的帖子 很好很强大, 251512 这个职业担保的州是ACT, 那哪里查今年名额还有木有,然后流程呢, 是不是和S1类的一样 先提交EOI等消息就行? 谢谢
州担是先提EOI,然后去各个州申请州担,审批通过后,很多担保你的州会在系统中批准你的190 EOI,拿到邀请函。
ACT的州担需要额外申请,不是等着就可以的。而且ACT的州担比较严格,楼主需要仔细看看州担的英语要求那块,看看自己的条件是否满足。 原帖由 指南针RUBY 于 8-4-2013 15:38 发表 http://www.hioz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
州担是先提EOI,然后去各个州申请州担,审批通过后,很多担保你 ...
ACT的州担保是否也是先提交EOI,然后再额外申请它的担保呢? 哦哦,已经找到答案了~~多谢楼上!
Before you submit an application for ACT nomination, you must be satisfied that you meet the DIAC criteria for a subclass 190 visa. More information is available at www.immi.gov.au
All potential migrants must record their details through the DIAC Expression of Interest (EOI).
Your EOI can be lodged before you apply for ACT nomination, or after you receive ACT nomination.If you lodge the EOI after ACT nomination is approved, you must email the EOI ID to migrationservices@act.gov.au within 30 days.
On receipt of the EOI ID, ACT nomination will be confirmed on SkillSelect and the visa invitation will be automatically issued by DIAC.
Complete the online application for ACT nomination of a subclass 190 visa at: http://www.canberrayourfuture.com.au/portal/migrating/article/skilled-visas/
The following information must be attached to the application:
Documentary evidence
Skilled Occupation:
o Nominate an occupation that is open on the ACT Occupation List.
If the occupation is limited or closed occupation, attach a copy of the verification email.
o Attach a copy of a current skill assessment in the nominated occupation. All VETASSESS skill assessments must be dated after January 2010 unless you can demonstrate that you have been continuously employed in the nominated occupation since assessment date.
Evidence of employability:
o Attach evidence that there are, currently, sufficient ACT employment opportunities in the nominated occupation that suit your skill set and experience e.g.:
for Canberra residents:
employment contract and 2 recent payslips.
for overseas residents:
personal research into recent advertised positions relevant to the nominated occupation (a minimum of 5vacancies):
You must provide a copy of the full advertisement.Web links and /or screen shots are not acceptable and, if provided, could result in refusal of the application without further redress.
Please note that employment opportunities requiring Australian citizenship and/or an Australian Security clearance will not be accepted as evidence of employability.
SkillSelect EOI:
o Attach a copy of the DIAC confirmation if you have already lodged the EOI with DIAC.
Declaration of Nomination Obligations.
o If you are using a migration agent, you must attach the signed and witnessed declaration that you acknowledge and accept ACT nomination obligations (see Attachment A).
o If you are not using a migration agent, you can confirm that you acknowledge and accept ACT nomination obligations while completing the online application.
English language ability
o for Canberra residents:
current IELTS result with a minimum 6 in each band; or
current OET result with a minimum grade B in all sections.
If you hold a passport issued by the United Kingdom; Canada; New Zealand; United States of America; or Republic of Ireland you do not need to provide an IELTS /OET result.
o for overseas residents:
current IELTS result with a minimum 7 in speaking and 7 overall; or
current OET result with a minimum grade B in all sections; or
if the occupation is verified as limited or closed: IELTS result with a minimum score of 7 in each band.
If you hold a passport issued by the United Kingdom; Canada; New Zealand; United States of America; or Republic of Ireland you do not need to provide an IELTS / OET result.
Work Experience.
o Attach evidence that you have recent, relevant work experience in the nominated occupation. The length of work experience is not mandated but it must be clear that you have enough experience in your nominated occupation to be employable in Canberra.
o Attach your Curriculum Vitae (CV) which clearly states personal details, educational qualifications and work experience.
Your work experience must be in an industry relevant to the ACT economy. Experience in heavy industry, manufacturing, production, international airlines, mining; shipping, oil, head office banking and railways are not generally considered relevant industries.
o Attach current employment reference(s) supporting recent, relevant work experience in the nominated occupation.
Financial capacity
o Attach your signed Declaration of Financial Capacity to show that you have access to sufficient financial resources to fund your migration to Australia and settlement in Canberra while you secure employment.
Your signature on this declaration must be witnessed by an authorised person. See Attachment B for information about who is authorised to witness this declaration.
o You are not required to provide documentary evidence to support your financial position with your application. However, you must be able to provide such documents if requested by Migration and Information Services.
Settlement statement (not required for applicants already living in Canberra).
o Show that you have a sound understanding of the settlement costs involved on arrival to Canberra, and while you seek employment:
Evidence of research into the cost of living in Canberra, including rent, food, transport and entertainment.
Estimated of cost of relocation to ACT in Australian Dollars, including but not limited to: flights; freight; and initial accommodation.
Estimated cost of living in Canberra for you and any dependants, in Australian Dollars.
Commitment to Canberra statement
o Explain in your own words why you want to live in Canberra, including how Canberra’s lifestyle suits your way of life more than any other city in Australia.
o Include evidence that you have personally researched Canberra’s lifestyle and attractions.
The statement should be no more than two pages and:
Family relationships. If you have close family members living in Australia you must attach the following information:
o Family living in Canberra: proof that they reside in Canberra and their relationship to you.
o Family in other parts of Australia: provide details of the State or Territory they live in and their relationship to you.
You must also explain why you have chosen to live in Canberra and not with them in their state/territory
Nomination by another state / territory:
o if you have applied to another state or territory you must attach a statement explaining why you are now applying to the ACT.
Personal Information
o Attach a copy of your passport showing your personal details and any pages showing Australian visas. You must also include copies for any dependents included in the nomination.
o If you are using a migration agent, attach a completed and signed form 956 Appointment of a migration agent.
Already living in Australia (if applicable).
o Attach the following documents to the application:
evidence that you are living in Canberra e.g.:
ACT drivers licence;
Tenancy agreement;
Utility bills.
o bank statements for the last three months.The statements must show shopping activity, ATM withdrawals, salary payments etc.
Service fee. A$300. You must pay the service fee to complete your application.
Please note that all documentary evidence in languages other than English must be accompanied by an English translation completed by an accredited translator.
The application for ACT nomination must be completed online at: www.canberrayourfuture.com.au/portal/migrating/article/application-forms/
A non refundable service fee is charged for processing applications for ACT nomination. The service fee is an administration charge only and does not guarantee the approval of a nomination.
The service fee of $300 may be paid by one of the following options:
Credit Card – pay now or pay later
o Select ‘pay now’ on the online application.
o Select ‘pay later’ and access the ‘Pay an ACT Government Account’ form at https://forms.act.gov.au/smartform/public/FormServer?formId=1009
Email a copy of the receipt to migrationservices@act.gov.au
Cheque / money order – pay later
o Make your bank cheque / business cheque / money order payable to: Economic Development Directorate.
o Forward the payment and a copy of the ‘payment pending’ email to migrationservices@act.gov.au
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) – pay later
o Transfer the fee to:
Commonwealth Bank - Ainslie Ave, Canberra, 2601
Account name: ‘ACT Economic Development Directorate – Departmental’
BSB: 062-987
Account Number: 100 199 90
Reference: Name of applicant
o Email the EFT receipt and a copy of the ‘payment pending’ email to: migrationservices@act.gov.au
Please note your bank may charge a transaction fee for processing the EFT. This charge must be paid by the applicant and is in addition to the service fee.
Most applications for nomination will be processed within 30 working days.
You should not enquire about the progress of your application before 30 working days have passed. Progress enquiries can delay application processing.
You will be notified of the outcome of the application by email.
You must lodge your SkillSelect EOI (if you have not already) within 30 days of notification of your ACT nomination.
You must tell us the outcome of the application for the ACT nominated subclass 190 visa and, if approved by DIAC, the expected date of your arrival in Australia.
Email: welcometocanberra@act.gov.au
Attach a copy of your visa grant notification. 谢谢Lily, 关于这个还请大家指教:
Evidence of employability:
for overseas residents:
personal research into recent advertised positions relevant to the nominated occupation (a minimum of 5vacancies):
这个职位必须是ACT州的么, 还是整个澳大利亚有5个以上就可以, 我在Seek.com.au上尝试找了我的职位, 发现全澳洲倒是有30多个 ,但ACT州没有一个..... 这种可以么 本帖最后由 lipon0223 于 2-6-2013 08:50 编辑
o Attach evidence that there are, currently, sufficient ACT employment opportunities in the nominated occupation that suit your skill set and experience e.g.:
光用想的就不觉得会有很多广告,所以实际操作有没什么方式就不知了。 3楼的链接打不开啊。