golden0818 发表于 31-3-2013 21:30:21

电气工程师457满两年转186, 需不需要考英语?佩托了!!!

我是电气工程师, 拿457工作了马上两年了, 准备公司担保申请PR, 但是一直纠结啊, 我这样的情况到底需不需要考英语啊?

To be considered exempt from the English language requirement, an
applicant must be:
1.nominated as a Minister of Religion by a religious institution
2.have nominated earnings at least equivalent to the current Australian
Taxation Office top individual income tax rate**
3. applying through the Temporary Residence Transition stream and
they have completed at least five years of full-time study in a
secondary and/or higher education institution where all of the tuition
was delivered in English.

我的话肯定不满足1和3, 对于2的理解,我有点糊涂的, 是说个人年收入要达到ATO规定的税率最高值吗, 那就是180001, 有人说是市场平均值, 我们这个行业的市场平均又是多少啊?


谢谢各位了, 叩谢您的回复了...

supergee 发表于 31-3-2013 21:40:49

Temporary Residence Transition stream

If you apply for the Temporary Residence Transition stream, your skills do not need to be assessed because you have already worked for your nominating employer for two years in Australia.

You must have at least vocational English.

This stream is available only to people who hold a subclass 457 visa. People who hold other 400 series visas may qualify to apply for a permanent residence visa through the Direct Entry stream.

只需要vocational English,4个5即可

golden0818 发表于 31-3-2013 21:59:25

回复 #1 golden0818 的帖子

非常感谢! 那英语豁免的条件2, 是要年薪达到18万吗?

QWERTYASDFG 发表于 1-4-2013 00:03:13


golden0818 发表于 1-4-2013 12:34:39


谢谢了, 还是有些模糊的! 非常高是达到多少啊? 高新的话又是多少啊?

golden0818 发表于 1-4-2013 12:48:10

• Agreement stream applicants will need to meet the English language requirement specifi ed in the
relevant agreement for the position.

大家有对这个了解的吗? 一般什么情况下走这个流程啊?

golden0818 发表于 1-4-2013 12:50:26

回复 #6 golden0818 的帖子

If you have been sponsored by an employer through the Agreement stream, exemptions to the English requirement will only be possible if this is allowed within the relevant agreement.

QWERTYASDFG 发表于 1-4-2013 19:42:28

原帖由 golden0818 于 1-4-2013 12:34 发表
谢谢了, 还是有些模糊的! 非常高是达到多少啊? 高新的话又是多少啊?

golden0818 发表于 1-4-2013 21:19:43


谢谢了, 哪儿能查到这样的信息呢?

唯_月 发表于 2-4-2013 11:13:36



大澳飞翔 发表于 2-4-2013 13:47:27

回复 #3 golden0818 的帖子


风童鞋 发表于 3-4-2013 17:19:05



icebear 发表于 3-4-2013 22:58:54


指南针RUBY 发表于 5-4-2013 17:45:06

English language exemptions
Applicants are required to show that they have the required English language
proficiency for the visa they are applying for, or be exempt.
In addition to achieving the required International English Language Test
Score (IELTS) applicants can show that they meet the English language
criteria by:
 obtaining a score of at least ‘B’ in each component of the Occupational
English Test (OET)
 holding a passport for the United Kingdom, the United States of
America, Canada, the Republic of Ireland or New Zealand.
To be considered exempt from the English language requirement, an
applicant must be:
 nominated as a Minister of Religion by a religious institution
 have nominated earnings at least equivalent to the current Australian
Taxation Office top individual income tax rate**
 applying through the Temporary Residence Transition stream and
they have completed at least five years of full-time study in a
secondary and/or higher education institution where all of the tuition
was delivered in English.

指南针RUBY 发表于 5-4-2013 17:49:23

原帖由 golden0818 于 1-4-2013 21:19 发表
谢谢了, 哪儿能查到这样的信息呢?

** The current top individual tax income tax bracket is AUD180 001 as at 1 July 2012

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