1)根据移民局的网站,宝宝应该申请489? (If you are a provisional visa holder and you want to apply for a second provisional visa or add a family member to your application you may be eligible to apply for the Skilled Regional (Provisional) subclass 489 visa. )
补充:主申近期将长登,因此可以提供一些证明已经在担保州生活。(If you are applying as the holder of an eligible subclass 495, 496, 475 or 487 visa, you must provide evidence that you have complied with the conditions attached to that visa. For example evidence that you have lived, worked and/or studied in a regional area.)
[ 本帖最后由 lslion 于 24-2-2013 21:32 编辑 ] 我自己来更新一下。
我尝试以renew 489的方式来填写在线申请,发现有一项“Qualifying Criteria”。
貌似需要在偏远地区已经生活两年并且工作一年,才可以renew 489。
这我就有点疑惑了,如果我已经在偏远地区生活两年且工作一年,直接就可以申请889 PR了,还renew 489干嘛?
The applicant must have worked full-time in a specified regional area for a total of at least one year and must have lived in a specified regional area for a total of at least two years.
The following is a list of areas which qualify as being in regional Australia or in a low population growth metropolitan area: