经过1个月的资料准备,今天提交了ACS软件工程师的评估。费用已扣。相关进展后续会知会大家。 bless 加分,欢迎及时来更新状态啊:congra :congra :congra :congra :goodLZ加油,好运!回复 #1 James_yy 的帖子
请问工作证明怎么弄,另外,reference的模板能共享一下吗 工作经历公证不是必须的,我搞了一个不过没有传上去,以后如果需要再传。(拿工作合同去公证处即可办理)Reference大概内容如下:
21st January, 2013
To Whom It May Concern,
This is to certify that Mr. ***** worked as a Software Engineer and senior Software Engineer at *** Co., Ltd , from (date) till today as a full-time and permanent employee. His annual income is approximately RMB *** before tax, which including salary, bonus, allowances and other benefits.
*** Co., Ltd is a leading ICT supplier which (公司简单介绍,业务、销售额等)
(这一段可以讲讲推荐人和本人的认识、工作经历). Since then I have been working with Mr. *** in several major projects together. He has been working as a senior Software Engineer and development team leader.
His duties and responsibilities in ***(公司名字) are as listed below:
1, Collect customer requirement, analyze them to output the software requirements;
2, Design software architecture with project team;
3, Work out the development plan and discuss with the project manager and customer;
4, Follow the *** milestones to make detailed schedules;
5, Work out the recommended software list for software development team, as well as the rules for coding, testing, etc;
6, Initiate the development environment for hardware and software;
7, Manage progress for team members and report to project manager;
8, Work as a software programmer on some key modules/functions;
9, Give instructions to junior software engineers;
His major projects are as below:
XXX System
The software technologies used by Mr. *** on this system:
Java JDK / J2EE / Java EE (developer environment and platform)
Oracle 10i / 11i(database)
Eclipse (developer UI)
Apache Tomcat (web server)
EJB/Servlet/JSP2.0 (developer technologies)
Visio (Model tools)
Sun Solaris / Windows XP (OS)
Should you have any queries regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me, my contact details are:
Name: ***
E-mail address:
Yours sincerely,
打印签字之后,要按照要求写上certificate那一段要求是指什么?推荐信打印出来,签过名后还要写什么么? 今天查询,已经到第四步,进度还挺快的么。 更新一下:周五已经拿到ACS的确认邮件了,工作经验算了9年多。3月的雅思裸考只考了6分,还是要朝7分努力继续考。回复 #10 James_yy 的帖子
ACS你从4到确定,花了整2个月是吗? 是的,感觉最近比较慢。回复 #12 James_yy 的帖子