UWA LUMINOUSnight Program - 8 February 2013
http://www.culturalprecinct.uwa.edu.au/luminousnight/programLUMINOUSnight is a one-night celebration of art and culture to commemorate The University of Western Australia’s centenary (1913-2013).
The UWA Crawley campus is widely acknowledged as the most beautiful university campus in Australia and one of the most beautiful in the world.
From 7pm until midnight on Friday 8 February 2013, it will be transformed into a walk-through gallery and performance space, hosting a continous program of performances, displays and installations - a delight of light, art and history. UWA百年校庆
百年一遇 明天晚上
晚上还有焰火 不错。估计九点会到 帮顶~不知有没有uwa的童鞋同事? 人山人海
共同庆祝uwa 百年圣诞 great!谁能发些照片什么的大家看看?