yearshappy 发表于 20-4-2013 17:34:56

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:17 编辑

It Started In Naples1960 美国片 (英语,少量意大利语)那不勒斯之恋

地点意大利 Capri 卡普里岛,

女主人公常督促孩子说:Speak in English.
小孩子语:Men talk? I no like.
意大利语, Ciao


Sophia Loren 索非亚 罗兰

yearshappy 发表于 28-4-2013 11:53:07

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:18 编辑

All Quiet on the Western Front 西线无战事
最早是一部小说,德国的第一次世界大战老兵著出版于1929年, 从德文字面literally翻译为'Nothing New in the West' 叙述清楚些是'There was nothing new to report on the Western Front' 出版后最初的18月间便被翻译成25种语言
1929年英文翻译 All quiet on the western front

战争给普通的士兵带来的是什么? 为谁而战?



yearshappy 发表于 28-4-2013 13:05:52

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:19 编辑

Portrait of a Beauty-- 2008 韩国片 美人图

改编于小说 Painter of the Wind

有才能的女扮男装的画手与mirror maker相爱;引起她的mentor一系列阻止举动,最终制镜子的年轻人死亡。


newozer 发表于 28-4-2013 13:16:59

原帖由 yearshappy 于 28-4-2013 13:05 发表
Portrait of a Beauty-- 2008 韩国片


改编于小说 Painter of the Wind
电影出来后被韩国学界人批评:篡改历史,因为小说 ...

yearshappy 发表于 28-4-2013 17:30:00

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:20 编辑

The Reluctant Infidel aka The Infidel异教徒
SBS One 每周六晚9:30 电影专放

喜剧,a tongue-in-cheek swipe at religions
男主角是个 nonpratice 穆斯林,不实行一天5拜,其儿子要与一个激进穆斯林女儿结婚,为儿子他不得不学正统穆斯林举止
突然 horror of horrors,发现自己亲生父母实际是犹太人,不得不再去了解犹太教;两教的一个词只有细微差别

yearshappy 发表于 29-4-2013 21:35:53

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:21 编辑

Coal Miner's Daughter 1980 矿工的女儿
Biography of Loretta Lynn, a country and western singer that came to fame from poverty -- her fathter was a coal miner raising a family of 8 children.
Fell in love with the woman within 125 mins.The magical word is country; country music, country view and country people.


yearshappy 发表于 4-5-2013 16:19:12

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:22 编辑

Sin City - 2005 - 罪恶之城 美国片涉及暴力犯罪, 片子色彩独特,硬汉,城市,犯罪,女人,裸体 。。。还是看不下去,放弃

Blue Swallow (青燕),2005, 韩片

除去韩国日本两国政治方面的因素, 除去另一位在中国受训的女飞行员才是众所承认的第一女飞行员的争论外
片子‘东方’韵味十足, 东方音乐,东方女性独具的美,东方细腻的爱情


newozer 发表于 4-5-2013 20:53:35

原帖由 yearshappy 于 4-5-2013 16:19 发表
Sin City - 2005 - 美国片涉及暴力犯罪, 片子色彩独特,硬汉,城市,犯罪,女人,裸体 。。。还是看不下去,放弃


Blue Swallow (青燕),2005, 韩片

女孩子 ...
sin city年版看不下去。。俺心理素质比较强大,抽空俺帮年版看一下。。。:ppb_31

yearshappy 发表于 5-5-2013 14:58:39

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:23 编辑

The Land Has Eyes 2004 Rotuma 片    中译 大地有眼
Rotuma 斐济北部的一个岛, 岛民被称 Rotuman
一个女孩子的父亲因为不会说英语,被误认为是小偷 (偷邻家的椰子果)
岛民坚信 The land has eyes.


newozer 发表于 5-5-2013 20:35:04

原帖由 yearshappy 于 5-5-2013 14:58 发表
The Land Has Eyes 2004 Rotuma 片

Rotuma 斐济北部的一个岛, 岛民被称 Rotuman
一个女孩子的父亲因为不会说英语,被误认为是小偷 (偷邻家的椰子果)
岛民坚信 The land has eyes.
女孩子刻苦学习最终得到 ...
斐济俺喜欢啊:ppb_11 。。。是不是从澳洲去应该很方便?。。。

newozer 发表于 6-5-2013 21:08:39

sin city, 俺已经下载了,还没有时间完整看。。感觉不是特别暴力呀;P 。。。
Jessica Marie Alba。。:ppb_11 俺很喜欢。。不过她演的神奇四侠 隐身女。。没有这部片子里的野性性感。。。
还有那个 哈利贝瑞 :ppb_11 演的 风暴女。。。大家更喜欢哪一个呢?。。。

yearshappy 发表于 15-5-2013 20:29:15

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:25 编辑

The Rainmaker 1997 美国出片中译 造雨人

rainmaker 可以意喻制造奇迹的人;rain 还可比喻为钱
leukemia 白血病

yearshappy 发表于 15-5-2013 20:49:57

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:27 编辑

THe Day of the Jackal 中译名 豺狼末日 / 刺杀戴高乐 / 豺狼的日子

"But if the Jackal wasn't Calthrop, then who the hell was he?"

newozer 发表于 15-5-2013 21:08:13

“Bourne” 年轻时的电影啊。。俺喜欢。。经典台词 “ u move u die "......:ppb_11

MICHELLE07 发表于 15-5-2013 21:30:52


i2i2 发表于 20-6-2013 18:29:35

The girl on the train,里面那个女孩的男友最后是不是死了?我看的是全法语无字幕的

yearshappy 发表于 27-10-2013 17:00:53

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:45 编辑

You'll be mine - French movie, lesbian genre

The movie starts with Marie leaving home to study the piano at the conservatory in Lyon. For financial reason, she has to share an apartment with her distant childhood friend Emma who has lived alone since the death of her father. The story shows us a strange fascination between the two young women ...

电影由Marie 离家去里昂的音乐学院学钢琴开始。
自从Emma的父亲死后,她就独自居住在里昂。从经济上考虑,Marie 就和其孩提时代的朋友Emma 一起住。

yearshappy 发表于 30-10-2013 19:26:53

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:50 编辑

Ichi - Japan 2008 中译 女坐头 / 盲剑客

a tale of a blind woman who has exceptional sword skills with which she fights off villains.
have the trouble to get the Japanese names right :s2


yearshappy 发表于 16-11-2013 21:15:29

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:56 编辑

Fish Tank(2009) 中译 鱼缸

The movie has nothing to do with fish tank. It's a picture of a teen girl's life. It's like you see life in a fish tank; the audience can see the lower-class girl's life in trouble from the movie.

电影其实没有任何鱼缸的镜头。 实际是一个青少年叛逆的故事。
片名意味着这个生活在低下层的女孩的所为, 对观众来说,就像看着鱼缸一样,清清楚楚。

yearshappy 发表于 16-11-2013 21:40:32

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 15:59 编辑

The Milk of Sorrow (2009) - Peru 伤心的奶水

The Peruvian girl's mother was raped during her pregnancy. The mother's fears and anxieties were passed on to the daughter through breast-feeding.


yearshappy 发表于 16-11-2013 22:02:12

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 16:04 编辑

Happy Few - French movie 2010 - American title is Four lovers

中译 你快乐,所以我也快乐 /少数幸运儿

Two couples meet and soon swap partners - without establishing any ground rules. Starts with lots of fun but jealousy, insecurity and heartbreak also come into it not long after.

两对夫妻相见,很快便交换伴侣 - 没有任何规定。 起初有着很多的新奇,接着嫉妒不安全感心碎随后跟来。

yearshappy 发表于 23-11-2013 21:31:59

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 16:16 编辑

Match Point - 2005 British Film 中译 赛末点 / 决胜点

A storyline commonly seen in novels and movies.
The protagonist who is a retired tennis professional marries into a wealthy family. However, Men likely wander and for greed and lust the husband secretly meets another woman...

Match point in tennis is the critical point to decide the winner of a match.
A tennies ball hits a net line and bounces. Which way it goes is all about luck.
Tom doesn't wish the new born baby anything else but LUCK.

Life is about luck.

主人公,从网球功成业退,通过婚姻进入一个富有的家庭。可是, ‘男人喜欢猎奇’,因贪婪因性欲,这个丈夫偷偷地见另一个女人。

Tom 给新生儿的祝福不是任何其他, 只是 好运。
生活其实就是 运气。

Particularly like this poster. The centralised red is catchy, associated with danger, passion, beauty, blood in western culture.

yearshappy 发表于 7-12-2013 00:38:22

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 16:23 编辑

Touched by Evil 1997
Straight up, I found the movie quite predictable.
A woman was raped. Then a hunsome young man comes to her. I don't have to pull all clues together to figure out who is the rapist.

女人被强奸案后不久, 一个英俊的男人在此女人面前出场。不需要想更多,就能知道谁是案犯。

yearshappy 发表于 7-12-2013 00:47:21

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 16:41 编辑

The Madwoman of Chaillot 1969 金屋春宵

Took me a while to know what the movie was about.
a poetic, satirical comedy

The world is beautiful - from the perspective of the madwoman.
The people in the park give her a lesson - No, the world is not beautiful any more.
What's the woman going to do? I won' t spoilt it.:lol

世界是美好的 - 这个疯女人坚信
不,这个世界美丽不再 - 公园的人们在给这个女人上课。
女人接下来会做什么呢? 我不说 :lol

yearshappy 发表于 20-12-2013 11:39:18

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 16:58 编辑

Lantana -- 2001 Australian film 中译名 马樱丹 / 爱情无色无味

The movie opens up with a lantana bush going alone a bit creepy music. Then a woman's body shows up.
I could believe the movie would be a detective show. It turns out the story is more than anything else but the human dimension - what people are and how people act.

It's a story of the 4 couples: the police officer with his wife, the psychiatrist with his academic husband, Jane and her seperated husband, the only happily married young couple. The first three have got problems in their marriage for whatever the reasons behind. The last couple don't have much money but believe in TRUST.

影片一开始随着令人惊悚的音乐,渐显一片澳大利亚常见的植物 Lantana 草丛,到其深处,一个女人的尸体。
4对夫妻, 警察和其妻,精神病学专家和她学者丈夫,Jane 和她分居的丈夫,惟一幸福婚姻里的年轻夫妻。 前三对夫妻婚姻里有着各样问题,最后一对夫妻不富裕但却富有婚姻中的信任。

Lantana often presents as a shrub. It's a perennial plant flowering in various colours and is seen everywhere in Australia.
With no care, little water, big colour and full of blooms, the creeping vine plant can be an eye-catchy in your garden. Don't know why it has been declared a weed some sort. I had it in my front yard once before.

Lantan 灌木丛,多年生,花色各样,澳大利亚到处可见。

yearshappy 发表于 20-12-2013 11:56:46

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 17:05 编辑

Nobody else but you - 2011 French film 梦回玛丽莲 / 梦露谜情

Setting - a remote small town in Frence close to the border of Switzerland.
Plot - a bestselling crime novelist from Paris is trying to find a story for his new book. He happens to see a woman died in the snow on No Man's Land. Did she commit suicide by sleeping pills?
The girl narrates her story from the grave.


yearshappy 发表于 20-12-2013 11:57:00

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 17:12 编辑

The Beguiled - 1971 American film 中译名 牡丹花下

The storyline is quite clear. A Yankee soldier is rescued and killed later on by the 13 year old girl.
The film, however, tells much more about women. Is the sexuality the drive to all of this? For Freud, it would be.

电影情节还是比较简单清楚的, 士兵被一个13岁女孩救出也最终命丧其手。
然而其内容却是丰满,讲述女人们的故事。 究竟是不是性欲造成此悲剧呢? 对佛洛伊德来说,答案是肯定的。

uu 发表于 20-12-2013 21:10:50


yearshappy 发表于 21-12-2013 15:58:51

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 17:13 编辑

The Charlemagne Code - 2008 German movie查理曼大帝密码

a story about treasure hunting

yearshappy 发表于 21-12-2013 16:33:45

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-1-2014 17:34 编辑

Along Came a Spider - 2001 American film 蛛丝马迹/全面追缉令

The daughter of a United States senator is kidnapped by a psycho.
The detective Dr Cross, a psychologist, is brought in on the case.
To twist the story, the kidnapper only represents the tip of the iceberg.
Don't have much to say, a time killer.

议员的女儿被绑架了,行家里手Cross 参与此案侦破。

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