雅思阅读的true false not given
问下大家,雅思阅读考试里的true false not given可以简写成T F NG吗?某人不小心全部给简写了 教雅思阅读的都说不行。。
估计悲剧了。。 估计不行,这种错了最亏了。另外一种常见的错误:把True/False写成Yes/No,反之亦然。我做练习时犯过这样的错误。 要哭死了,冤枉啊~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations,
I am writing to ask about your marking criteria on the True/False/Not Given or Yes/No/Not Given questions in the reading test. If a candidate answers True/False/Not Given when the test requires one to write Yes/No/Not Given, will the marks be reduced?
Or, the candidate simplifies the answers into T/F/NG or Y/N/NG, will the marks be obtained as well?
Dear xxx
Thank you for your email.
I can confirm that both forms of answer you refer to are acceptable.
Kind regards
Saul Carey
ESOL Helpdesk
Cambridge ESOL Customer Services 呵呵 楼上也是华理的同学吧?
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