回复 #27 printf 的帖子
那估计我赶不上了啊,你另想他法,不过如我楼上所说,你189的话大部分材料直接彩扫就可以了。而且你看看ack,应该有28天的上传文件期限的。 楼主好人,鉴定完毕。有些人真是没法说...回复 #24 SummitLegal 的帖子
VET就是要求照片certify的啊回复 #33 nancy1 的帖子
PhotographsEach photo should include:
the wording 'This is a true likeness of '
the certifier’s details
the certifier’s signature.
We do not accept:
photocopies or faxes of certified copies
certification by a company
certification where the identity of the certifying officer is unclear or illegible
certification made by persons not authorised to certify documents.
以上是vet对照片certify的要求。 原帖由 dumpedcore 于 7-12-2012 17:08 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
谢谢。 按照EA的要求。。你是不能在国外签这些文件的。。签了他们也不认。。。。
你的律师证,在哪里拿的,就只能在哪里签。。。。除非你是中国的律师,否则你不要害了别人,耽误时间。。。。 另外 JP 免费也只是对澳洲公民免费。。。。非澳洲公民,JP也是可以收钱的。 贴邮件给你参考吧,如果别人打算走EA的,你最好问一下。。。诚恳的建议。 那个在澳洲外面到处签字的JP已经被EA投诉了。。你在澳洲外面签,不知道什么情况,你是律师,应该很清楚自己的权限。。。。
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your advice.
Clearly a certifier needs to be legally operating 'within his
jurisdiction' - this is stated at pages 5/6 of the MSA Booklet. If for
example a JP has been authorised in the state of QLD, then that does not
necessarily mean that he is authorised to operate all over the world.
回复 #38 xiaowange 的帖子
非常感谢,我明天会写邮件去NSW Law Society去确认,应该是没有问题的,因为我老板和我同事他们也经常在海外certify。再说,这些文件是for the purposes of the skill assessment. 而且authority是ACS,也在澳大利亚。所以Jurisdiction上完全是没有问题的。不过还是感谢你的提醒啦~~~
P.S.已经发邮件去NSW Law Society确认。楼上的提醒真的是非常到位~~~希望我老板他们是对的,因为他们certify的东西都能用。不过为了大家的移民顺利,double confirm也是需要的~~~
[ 本帖最后由 SummitLegal 于 7-12-2012 23:34 编辑 ]
回复 #36 xiaowange 的帖子
我在中国也通过了司法考试,不过没有在律师行上班,中国的律师需要实习一年才能拿律师证,我在上海做了3年法律顾问。不知道算不算equivalent。因为两面彼此的司法体制不同,所以很多时候很难说这边某个法律概念的equivalent在另外一面是什么。[ 本帖最后由 SummitLegal 于 7-12-2012 22:34 编辑 ]
回复 #31 SummitLegal 的帖子
你说的是ack邮件里附件IMMI Acknowledgement of Valid Application Received.pdf么? mark~!回复 #36 xiaowange 的帖子
请问EA的certify一定要是国内的律师或者公证处吗?回复 #43 woyunsi3000 的帖子
Dear Sir,Thank you for your advice.
Clearly a certifier needs to be legally operating 'within his
jurisdiction' - this is stated at pages 5/6 of the MSA Booklet. If for
example a JP has been authorised in the state of QLD, then that does not
necessarily mean that he is authorised to operate all over the world.
I see no reason why a Chinese licensed lawyer will not be eligible for
certifying documents as copies of the original if they are in China -
but usually such copies take the form of a notarised version done by the
local Notary Office.
回复 #44 xiaowange 的帖子
意思就是国内律师是可以certify的,是吧? ACS那里我已经打电话去确认过了,他们接受the documents certified by the Australian Lawyer outside Australia. EA也回我邮件了,EA的说法是,在境外不行,当文件带回境内certify是可以的,但如果有朋友不是很急的话,我可以带回澳洲certify再邮寄回中国给你们,但是说实话EA也不会去查这个到底是在哪里certify的。下附EA回复:Dear Mr Cao,
thank you for your enquiry.
We would not accept copies that you have certified in China in your quality of NSW Solicitor as you would be operating outside of your jurisdiction.
However, if you are the holder of a similar Chinese status, then you could certify the copies in China.
Copies certified by yourself in Australia would be suitable. Note however that you would have to see the original document to be able to certify the copies (the original document, not a notarised copy and not a scanned copy of the document that you could receive per email).
回复 #19 SummitLegal 的帖子
TRA应该也接受的吧。回复 #49 narcsity 的帖子
Vetassess是接受的,TRA很多职业还是让vet评的,所以vet接受就ok了。[ 本帖最后由 SummitLegal 于 11-12-2012 11:35 编辑 ]
回复 #34 SummitLegal 的帖子
回复 #51 rainfay 的帖子
vet本身对照片有certify的要求的。理论上说,你是需要certify照片的,至于没有certify,VET会不会要求你重新补certified photo就不得而知了……我可能不会来北京啊……来回北京也不便宜吧=。= 顶给有需要的朋友 给有需要的朋友。
回复 #47 SummitLegal 的帖子
[ 本帖最后由 hohona 于 13-12-2012 03:23 编辑 ]
回复 #55 hohona 的帖子
多数没问题的,详见我对EA的解析。 已经定好机票,31日到上海。 赶紧开始准备ACS的材料,哪些需要你来公证呢??只是Reference Letter??
回复 #58 mxria 的帖子
回复 #57 SummitLegal 的帖子