9月5号递交190, 到现在石沉大海什么消息都没有,该怎么办?
mechanical engineering, wa state-sponsorship自9月5号lodge之后 完全没有任何消息。。。。我在eportal上把自己和partner的资料能传的都传了 体检也作了 没有任何反馈
看到有人说可以投诉, 能麻烦有哪位好心人能帮帮我看现在怎么做才好
十分感谢!!! 好心人一定要帮帮我啊。。。现在太焦虑了。。。 确认信都没有吗?具体可站内短我。 如果已经有确认信,那么就耐心等待。我也是一直没有CO的消息,突然背调,突然准了。才知道是哪位CO的。
回复 #3 鱼在岸上 的帖子
Not sure what is 确认信, the last email I got from DIAC says Your application has been successfully saved withmy TRN number attached.Something concerns me is that the document status in Eportal were changed to Requested/Received/Required in early October. No any updates since then.
My agent just asked me to calm down and wait, should be very soon. but I almost run out of patience. what should I do?
回复 #4 inmei 的帖子
When did you lodge your application, inmei? Please HELP回复 #5 dingdang0405 的帖子
我感觉有些文件状态变为 Requested 就是CO处理的我的文件状态是10月3日变化的,有些是变化为Requested,有些是NOT REQUIRED,当天收到CO的补料信,需要补那些Requested的文件 If the status of some ducuments has changed into Requested, you have already been allocated to a case officer. You can call DIAC to find out who the CO is.