如圖, 因為我用的是英文系統(我猜大多數在澳洲的朋友都是用英文系統吧)而且一般公司裏的電腦也沒權限改系統配置, 要不就裝ASIAN LANGUAGE PACK了..我猜出是因為 <A HREF... > 用了TOOLTIP 的屬性所以繼承了系統的encoding和font, 改成浮動的DIV應該能解決吧 我这是好的,英文xp+chrome/IE,装了系统带的亚洲语言支持包
回复 #1 ingeer 的帖子
div俺不熟悉,得找其他技术员帮忙,老丐、老猫,你们在哪里啊~~~ 原帖由 mason00 于 29-10-2012 16:44 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif我这是好的,英文xp+chrome/IE,装了系统带的亚洲语言支持包
就是沒的裝ASIAN LANGUAGE PACK啊.. Characters from character sets that aren't installed on the operating system will be displayed in the hover tooltip as boxes in IE. This is an issue with the browser that can be solved by installing the character set in the windows localization settings.
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