平时逛店的时候 总会有营业员问 要不要帮忙的? 大家都怎么说 就说一个no? 在国内我会说我自己逛逛,英语怎么说看好后营业员问 怎么样喜不喜欢 如果你要说 想再看看 该咋说 嘿嘿 我自己逛逛
Just browsing. Thanks. 这贴要收藏。 我不知道该怎么说,因此很少逛店,去了也不敢久留。:L :L :L
希望有答案,以便我学会了轻松去逛店。:lol :lol :lol
[ 本帖最后由 kuafu 于 18-8-2012 14:02 编辑 ] 我说Just have a look,Thanks。 来学习。。。。 just browsing.... i likeit but not sure if would buy is there angone to speak? MARK........................................... 8,9楼的答案不错 但都挺拗口的阿 No, thanks. I'm just browsing
No, thanks. Just looking
having a look around
window shopping filling the time
I'll call you over if I need you.
Don't like the colour / the size.
It's not the right color / my size.
The price is too high. I have to watch my budget. I can't afford it right now.
It's not what I exactly want.
Not ready to buy it right now. Will think it over. 多谢版主阿
关于购物的 还有没有更多的说法:D
原帖由 yearshappy 于 20-8-2012 20:41 发表 http://freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
No, thanks. I'm just browsing
No, thanks. Just looking
having a look around
window shopping filling the time
I'll call you over if I need you.
Don't like the colour / the size.
It's not the ...