G5 境外17X 相关 进度更新于10,12,18,23,24,39,53,57,65,67楼
Visa SubclassPriority Group 3Priority Group 4Priority Group 5189 Skilled – Independent N/Awithin 4 weeks of lodgement N/A190 Skilled - Nominatedwithin 4 weeks of lodgement N/AN/A489 Skilled - Regionalwithin 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 4 weeks of lodgementN/A175 Skilled – Independent N/A6 January 2012Allocation not commenced176 Skilled – Sponsored within 4 weeks of lodgement6 January 2012*Allocation not commenced*475 Skilled – Regional Sponsoredwithin 4 weeks of lodgement6 January 2012* Allocation not commenced* 496 Skilled – Designated Area Sponsored N/AAll applications allocatedAllocation not commenced* 885 Skilled – Independent N/Awithin 4 weeks of lodgement29 June 2009886 Skilled – Sponsored within 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 4 weeks of lodgement* 22 December 2008* 487 Skilled – Regional Sponsored
within 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 4 weeks of lodgement*22 December 2008* N/A- There are no GSM visa subclasses within these priority groups.
* Allocation of Family Sponsored (Skilled Australian Sponsored) applications will been limited due to the low number of visa places available in the 2012-13 program year.
[ 本帖最后由 king_sh 于 23-11-2012 12:33 编辑 ]
G5 大军先砍了一部分人
按最新的进度,G4 亲担的人数众多,所以2012~2013财年无法审理 G5 176 亲担的Case, 意味着整个新program year 不会审理。按此预测,G5 的176亲但如果不换个方式申请,获得PR的可能性很低很低。因为,2013~2014财年依然会面临名额问题,且很有可能Cap掉。 有道理。配额太少。亲担申请人数非常多
整个176 G5亲担 共有15500个case,共超过31010人,遗憾的是,2012~13财年,亲担配额只增加了100(一年才4200个)。根据目前的状况,176 G5 转175 G5都会比现在快,毕竟175和189的配额 目前相对充足,个人预测 G5 175 开审时间 乐观估计在12年11月底,正常情况下在13年2月底。
共大家参考 独立移民189每个月总配额大概2500个再加上职业封顶 将近1万5千多个配额给G5? 楼主标题有歧义,给人感觉全部审理的意思。另:2011-2012财年共有4100个亲担配额,实际审理了12500个,这是移民局来信说的。 境外亲担只能寄希望于调剂配额了。 配额调剂还是很靠谱的,最近两年都是这个样子的,所以也别太担心!:victory: 原帖由 dian2012 于 12-7-2012 14:14 发表 http://www.hioz.net/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
对于不够175分数的申请人来说,176亲担 是很好的选择(很多中介也都在积极推荐申请者选择亲担),所以整个176 人数众多。以下是提前公布的7月13日版本的最新官方进度:
Visa SubclassPriority Group 3Priority Group 4Priority Group 5189 Skilled – Independent N/Awithin 4 weeks of lodgement N/A190 Skilled - Nominatedwithin 4 weeks of lodgement N/AN/A489 Skilled - Regionalwithin 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 4 weeks of lodgementN/A175 Skilled – Independent N/A13 January 2012Allocation not commenced176 Skilled – Sponsored within 4 weeks of lodgement13 January 2012* Allocation not commenced*475 Skilled – Regional Sponsoredwithin 4 weeks of lodgement13 January 2012* Allocation not commenced* 496 Skilled – Designated Area Sponsored N/AAll applications allocatedAllocation not commenced* 885 Skilled – Independent N/Awithin 4 weeks of lodgement10 July 2009886 Skilled – Sponsored within 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 4 weeks of lodgement* 22 December 2008* 487 Skilled – Regional Sponsored
within 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 4 weeks of lodgement*22 December 2008*
* Allocation of Family Sponsored (Skilled Australian Sponsored) applications will be limited due to the low number of visa places available in the 2012-13 program year.
"配额调剂还是很靠谱的,最近两年都是这个样子的,所以也别太担心!"没错,今年也可能会调高176的配额. 不过,增加多少一直是未知的,
而且,由于176 没有关闭申请,所以很可能后来者居上,G3,G4 永远比G5优先.
有一条较好的解决办法供参考: G5 176 亲担的申请者, 而且是SMP LIST的,尝试去申请洲担保,
据说有成功的,但我没验证过,也只是道听途说罢了. (如果是我,我不会选择这条路.)
2012 7 27 update
Visa SubclassPriority Group 3Priority Group 4Priority Group 5189 Skilled – Independent N/Awithin 4 weeks of lodgement N/A190 Skilled - Nominatedwithin 4 weeks of lodgement N/AN/A489 Skilled - Regionalwithin 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 4 weeks of lodgementN/A175 Skilled – Independent N/A23 January 2012Allocation not commenced176 Skilled – Sponsored within 4 weeks of lodgement23 January 2012* Allocation not commenced*475 Skilled – Regional Sponsoredwithin 4 weeks of lodgement23 January 2012* Allocation not commenced* 496 Skilled – Designated Area Sponsored N/AAll applications allocatedAllocation not commenced* 885 Skilled – Independent N/Awithin 4 weeks of lodgement14 July 2009886 Skilled – Sponsored within 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 4 weeks of lodgement* 22 December 2008* 487 Skilled – Regional Sponsoredwithin 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 4 weeks of lodgement*22 December 2008* N/A- The visa subclass is not applicable for this priority group.
* Allocation of Family Sponsored (Skilled Australian Sponsored) applications will be limited due to the low number of visa places available in the 2012-13 program year. 谢谢分享。
坚持中加强学习,随时准备着! 原帖由 king_sh 于 11-7-2012 19:40 发表 http://hioz.net/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
整个176 G5亲担 共有15500个case,共超过31010人,遗憾的是,2012~13财年,亲担配额只增加了100(一年才4200个)。
根据目前的状况,176 G5 转175 G5都会比现在快,毕竟175和189的配额 目前相对充足,个人预测 G5...
我个人的观点相反,认为175是最无希望的,虽然配额看似充足但是只要有新申请递交就不会处理g5,这是基本游戏规则,几年来一直如此。其实每年都有配额但不会给175g5。且现在被cap的条件已经成熟,只等契机,就像当年的136。而亲担没有新申请插队,排队处理只是时间问题加上与au有“直接联系”不会被“当做没有申请”。就像当年的137 496.
[ 本帖最后由 redapple2 于 28-7-2012 14:31 编辑 ] 从7月开始,在线申请的技术移民类列表中已经不能再选择 175类 176类 和 475类。这些都是Offshore的。
而 Onshore的885 886 887 485 和部分487 仍然可以申请。
我的观点其中的一点依据是,886 的新申请者会共用这4200个名额,而175 885(新老申请者)会和新的189一起,共用配额。
从名额上来说,显然176 886的G5获签的几率要大大小于175。
欢迎群策群力,争取皆大欢喜的大团圆局面。 赞成15楼意见。175类 176类 和 475类已成绝版。由于澳洲经济远好于加拿大,失业率也远低于加拿大,再说G5所剩总量不大(与加国相比),再从与每年技术移民计划总量相比,G5的占比也不算大,所以,我认为移民局完全可以采取逐年消化的方式解决这一历史遗留的问题,采取“cap”一刀切的可能性很小,何况885G5早已开审,尽管进度缓慢但毕竟没有停止;我觉得大家可以期待,当175G4进入4周内隨到隨审时,就应该开审175G5了,而这一时刻的到来估计要到今年底、明年初了。进入7月以后,大家感觉到进度很慢,这是正常的,eoi新政对澳洲移民局来说是全新的,有1个逐步完善、学习的过程,其实,eoi的实施对G5的解决是有益的,主动权掌握在ymj手中了,今后不会再产生新的G5了,这就为适时解决旧的G5创造了条件。大家可以设想下,假如去年没有实行65分新政的话,175G4能审完吗?显然是不可能的,按游戏规则,G4没审完不可能审G5的,主动权不完全在ymj手中。至于分数降为60分,是正常的,事实证明65分的门槛太高,无法满足澳洲对人才的需求,其实,现在的60分的条件仍高于过去的120分。即使满足60分,也仅为递交了eoi,至干真正的“批准审请数量”主动权还是在ymj手中的。 回楼上的楼上,您说的“886 的新申请者会共用这4200个名额”指的是亲属担保886吧?
回楼上,优先级的划定不是以签证类别,类别太多了。我们按照签证性质划分简单一些:雇主担保 州担保 亲担保 独立。
或者我们说,基于绝对优先的规则,当175审完还有189(和489亲担并列G4)源源不断的递交并后来者居上于G5 175,这是官方的定义:
但这里不排除subclass 189 与 175两条pipeline并行处理的情况,如是,那么某个时间G5/175和G4/189同时处理。但这个设想无法解释为何175官方进度刻意滞后。具体情况如何看下个月189的处理便知。
正如楼上您说的,主动权掌握在ymj手中了,事实上这些年一直如此,这并不是处理积压的而是创造挤压的必要条件。为什么这样说? 简单解释一下,所谓他们的游戏规则,和加国有本质的区别,加国的91新政不影响缓慢处理以往积压,而澳国的1228新政、28新政、923新政、71新政等规定紧缺申请绝对优先于非紧缺申请,但直到11年71之前没有停止接受非紧缺申请,接受申请却得不到处理,导致积压越来越严重。换句话说:加国的积压出于客观上申请人数量庞大,而澳积压出于当局主观上在错误的道路上越走越远。
他们有更改规则的权利,如果想让规则更完美,那么在这175 176这4年多的生命中,会不断的做细微调整以保持政策的连续性,可惜事实上不是。出台就是一刀切。也可能由于其法律上不必为申请人负责,便在道德上不守契约精神,一再食言,迟迟不思解决。
[ 本帖最后由 viac 于 30-7-2012 23:24 编辑 ]
10 Aug 2012 update
Visa SubclassPriority Group 3Priority Group 4Priority Group 5189 Skilled – Independent N/Awithin 4 weeks of lodgement N/A190 Skilled - Nominatedwithin 4 weeks of lodgement N/AN/A489 Skilled - Regionalwithin 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 4 weeks of lodgementN/A175 Skilled – Independent N/A19 March 2012Allocation not commenced176 Skilled – Sponsored within 4 weeks of lodgement19 March 2012*Allocation not commenced*475 Skilled – Regional Sponsoredwithin 4 weeks of lodgement19 March 2012* Allocation not commenced* 496 Skilled – Designated Area Sponsored N/AAll applications allocatedAllocation not commenced* 885 Skilled – Independent N/Awithin 6 weeks of lodgement17 July 2009886 Skilled – Sponsored within 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 6 weeks of lodgement* 22 December 2008* 487 Skilled – Regional Sponsoredwithin 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 6 weeks of lodgement*22 December 2008* N/A- The visa subclass is not applicable for this priority group.
* Allocation of Family Sponsored (Skilled Australian Sponsored) applications will be limited due to the low number of visa places available in the 2012-13 program year.
最近2周,G4 Offshore 审理突然加速。相对的,G4 Onshore 从4周延长至6周。 这个现象说明什么呢?据我推测,也许布里斯班的Onshore处理中心中的一部分Team转而为Offshore服务。
Processing arrangements for Priority Group 5
Priority Group 5 applications are allocated when all available applications in higher priority groups are allocated.Subclasses 487, 885 and 886Allocation of Priority Group 5 applications commenced in November 2011. Skilled Independent cases will continue to be allocated ahead of Family Sponsored Skilled Migration cases and cases where a state or territory approved nomination has either not been provided or has not been accepted by the department.
Subclasses 175, 176, 475 and 496 Allocation of Priority Group 5 applications with an approved state or territory nomination commenced in April 2012. This was due to there being a lower than anticipated number of applications lodged in 2011-12 under a State Migration Plan (Priority Group 3).
Allocation of Priority Group 5 applications for these subclasses has not yet commenced for Skilled Independent, Family Sponsored Skilled Migration and cases where a state or territory approved nomination has either not been provided or has not been accepted by the department.
Allocation of Priority Group 5 cases The allocation of Priority Group 5 applications is expected to continue in general date of lodgement order throughout the 2012-13 Migration Program year in line with available Migration Program places in the specific GSM visa categories.
Due to the number of places available for Family Sponsored Skilled Migration applicants this program year (currently 4200), GSM will limit the allocation of cases in this visa category.
Family Sponsored Skilled Migration applicants in Priority Group 5, whose applications are yet to be allocated to a case officer, will be affected. This also includes Priority Group 5 cases where a state or territory approved nomination has either not been provided or has not been accepted by the department, as these applications are classified within the Family Sponsored Skilled Migration group until a nomination is received from a state or territory government agency and approved by the department.
The overall number of Priority Group 5 applications processed in any program year will ultimately depend on the number of higher priority applications received, and other factors, including the size of the Migration Program and its composition, and any variation of the Processing Direction.
Many Priority Group 5 applicants still face a considerable wait until their application is allocated to a case officer for processing and may want to consider other options available.
移民局的以上这些话,其实说了等于没说,呵呵 境外175突然加速,的确是个好消息,看来到今年底175G4有可能全部处理完,那么,年底开审G5有没有可能呢?联系到6月18日移民局网站上这段文字:2013年7月1日起,119, 120, 121, 175, 176, 475, 487, 845, 846, 855, 856, 857, 885 和 886将被废除,怎么理解?到13年7月1日,上述签证的G4应全部审毕,但G5仍会存在下去,怎么废除?在ymj网站上不再公布相关进度,还是有别的处理办法呢?相信“cap”
24日的G4进度已经在2012年6月1日了,进度比预想的快,等再过2周的进度跟新。。。9月7日更新, 有新消息
Visa SubclassPriority Group 3Priority Group 4Priority Group 5189 Skilled – Independent N/Awithin 4 weeks of lodgement N/A190 Skilled - Nominatedwithin 4 weeks of lodgement N/AN/A489 Skilled - Regionalwithin 4 weeks of lodgementwithin 4 weeks of lodgementN/A175 Skilled – Independent N/A15 June 2012Allocation not commenced**176 Skilled – Sponsored within 4 weeks of an approved nomination15 June 2012*Allocation not commenced*475 Skilled – Regional Sponsoredwithin 4 weeks of an approved nomination15 June 2012* Allocation not commenced* 496 Skilled – Designated Area Sponsored N/AAll applications allocatedAllocation not commenced* 885 Skilled – Independent N/Awithin 10 weeks of lodgement17 July 2009886 Skilled – Sponsored within 4 weeks of an approved nominationwithin 10 weeks of lodgement* 22 December 2008* 487 Skilled – Regional Sponsoredwithin 4 weeks of an approved nominationwithin 10 weeks of lodgement*22 December 2008* N/A- The visa subclass is not applicable for this priority group.
* Allocation of Family Sponsored (Skilled Australian Sponsored) applications will be limited due to the low number of visa places available in the 2012-13 program year.
** Applicants who lodged before 24 September 2007 can expect to be contacted by a case officer by 24 September 2012.
G5的176亲担,受制于年度配额,等待仍将持续下去。 顶楼主!这个帖子好啊!
强烈支持这一见证G5进度的帖子!!! :D :loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: 谢谢楼主的辛勤劳动。
为G5同学加油。 G5自己要努力!
国外人觉得据理力争才是硬需求。 175G5于下周一(10日)正式开审了,大家终于看到了希望,据我的跟踪,在G5停止审理前,移民局公布的进度,好象已审到07年底了,希望过去有进度跟踪的TX请查一下记录,上论坛说明一下吧,我的分析是,07年的case应该很少了,相信很快会审到08年的。万事开头难,只要开了头,大家就有盼头了,相信多年的坚守一定会有回报,祝福大家!
回复 #29 祝福大家 的帖子