OMG,这算不算史上最便宜的 打印/复印/扫描一体机?
还包邮,只要 $9AUD!
查了下国内的价格.... ¥600人民币!!!机不可失啊,Deal 到下周末就结束了:yct_83
[ 本帖最后由 ayuanx 于 22-6-2012 20:27 编辑 ] 原帖由 black_zerg 于 22-6-2012 20:33 发表
我已经买了,实在忍不了这诱惑啊 :yct_32 应该禁止这种打印机促销,太污染环境了,我们公司楼下的垃圾箱每天都有扔这种打印机的,9块钱比买耗材还便宜。。。 原帖由 么么公主 于 22-6-2012 20:48 发表
买个新的比耗材便宜太多了,谁不愿意用新的? :yct_24 Thank you, your order has been submitted successfully!
Within 24 hours, you should receive an email acknowledging receipt of your orders.
Should we need to contact you with regard to your order, we will do so using e-mail, fax or phone details supplied in your order.
You will then receive a payment clearance notification within two business days to inform you that Dell has confirmed your order.
Email Address :
What happens next?
Within 24 hours you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your order.
You will receive a payment clearance notification within 2 business days to inform you that Dell has confirmed you order.
Upon receiving payment clearance, track your orders at
Once your order is ready to ship we will email the estimated delivery date of your order
Estimated delivery time does not commence until your payment has been received by us.
Your order will be delivered between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). Someone will need to be at the nominated address to accept and sign for the delivery .
If your order contains non Dell branded products and peripherals (e.g. Logitech keyboard), these products will be delivered separately to your Dell system or printer order 刚订了一台,寄到朋友家, 连墨盒都没要
如果真到了,我就买个墨盒从国内带过去。哈哈,买两个非原厂的 :yct_6 太便宜了,可惜我刚刚买了一台brother的无线打印机:yct_12 好像要另外买那个USB cable的??? 我也买了一个,再从国内买15块钱的墨盒,够用了,多谢楼主分享啊!:loveliness: 原帖由 wj22 于 22-6-2012 21:36 发表
好像要另外买那个USB cable的???
买的时候上面写得很清楚啊,随机附送墨盒一个线一条 太好了,谢谢楼主,家里的打印机正好出问题了,本来那是朋友给的旧打印机,也没说明书,不知怎么摆弄好,这样就不费脑细胞了,正好买台新的。 楼主,这个打印机到手就能直接用了吗?还需配点什么东西吗? 原帖由 gulyxxf 于 22-6-2012 23:05 发表
2 Years Parts Exchange Service (Ink), 这个啥意思, 2年免费更换ink?
保证 2 年内能给你提供 Parts (不会因停产而没有配件可换),费用肯定是要收的,哪里也没写 Free Exchange 啊:yct_32 不能买了,选choose不管用了:D 买一个:mk_4 :'( 没了 谢谢LZ, 昨晚看到这个帖子, 马上就上去订了一个. 本来还想买两个, 结果一犹豫想等到今天再说. 买好后再想CHOOSE, 已经不让进去了. 太快了. 已经没有了:'( :mk_39 :mk_21 定了货的同学们,有人收到吗?我订货当天说上周五送货,后来来一email改成这周五,现在这周五都过完了,没送货也没更新啦。 賣玩鳥????:yct_10 这也太便宜了,别说墨盒,一条usb线都要坑爹的19.95澳刀
回复 #10 flowedwind 的帖子
国内哪有卖这么便宜的墨盒阿? 看到太晚 没买到的不用跺脚,我这买到的才操心呢,估摸着卖掉的速度大于dell的估计,没存货了,我还等他们说到底什么时候可以送货呢。算上额外的物流费,估计他们要大大的赔本了。 原帖由 gulyxxf 于 7-7-2012 23:20 发表来封信说缺货, 给你两个选择:1 换新款, 等4周 2退钱. 我打电话到support center 换新的了, 不知道什么时候能发货
Custom Service said 4 weeks. 来了邮件和电话, 说要我二选一, 我要了UPGRADE, 说要等3到4星期. 今天收到货了。因为313没货,免费升级成了V515W,带无线打印功能。超值了!