【西澳新闻】 月黑风高盗贼夜,打人入室匪徒忙
http://m.news.com.au/WA/fi1556722.htm;jsessionid=D6B96118E4047DCC6B60BC47B14526C8【西澳新闻】 月黑风高盗贼夜,打人入室匪徒忙
记者 Hayley Bolton
2012年5月17日 上午09:39发稿
该男士家住在Willetton区, 昨晚子夜过后听到自家后院有异常响动,进行查看时被人用铁棒击打头部。
当时约12.15左右,地点位于Gatling way。该受害者(虽)年近花甲,(但仍)阻止了三名蒙面歹徒。
请知情者拨打 Crime Stoppers热线,1800 333 000。
Man bashed with iron bar in violent robbery
May 17, 2012 09:39AM
- Hayley Bolton
TWO men were terrorised in their own homes with one bashed over the head with a metal bar in Perth's southern suburbs overnight.
A Willetton man was bashed over the head with a metal bar in his own backyard last night after going to investigate noises just after midnight.
About 12.15am the 59-year-old went into his backyard on Gatling Way, disturbing three men in balaclavas.
One of the men was armed with a metal bar and struck the man on the head.
The victim then ran inside, was unable to shut his back door and so ran out the front of the house.
A 52-year-old woman living in the house came out from the bedroom to see the men grab handbags from near the front door before running out of the house.
The man is not believed to have been seriously injured.
Man barricades himself in bedroom
In a separate incident in Wilson, a 24-year-old man woke about 3am to noises inside his home .
His bedroom door was closed and as he went to open the door, he realised someone was about to open it from the other side.
He held the door shut and the intruder bashed in several times with a garden fork.
He then heard a car start up and realised the offenders had left.
He opened the door to find the garden fork stuck into his bedroom door.
Anyone with information on either incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
- Hayley Bolton
[ 本帖最后由 y12345678 于 18-5-2012 08:09 编辑 ] 养狗、买枪! DAVID有所不知,澳村不像美國,若是以槍傷了入侵的歹徒,是要吃上傷害官司的。
我倒是想準備一把短的魚槍--------- 那怎么办?电网?野猪夹?陷马坑?千斤石?漏斗黑寡妇?内陆太攀?
[ 本帖最后由 davidmouse 于 18-5-2012 11:52 编辑 ] 买保险 。 两三年前perth有一年近8旬老先生,自家卧室,以一敌二,开枪正中对方肚皮。。。枪是个好东西啊 原帖由 西澳瓶鼻海豚 于 18-5-2012 11:46 发表 http://www.freeoz.net/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
海豚兄能否普及一下鱼枪的知识,我也在考虑是否买一把放在家里? 养狗,买保险,去治安好点的区。在澳洲也只能这样自保了。 前段时间,有个女的开枪打死了企图破门而入的劫匪,被判无罪。我觉得,法律还是保护正当行为的。当然像美国那个,屋主随便就开枪打死一个问路的日本人,那也太夸张了。 现在的盗贼都这样.前两天刚遇到个客户要求转换一段监控视频.就是四个盗贼试图破门而入.屋主一边让老婆报警.一边死死的顶住门.终于等到警察来.那些人才跑掉. 买保险和枪 弱弱问句,大声呼叫有用吗?周围有邻居呀,劫匪没那么猖狂吧? 原帖由 angelar8 于 21-5-2012 12:50 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
整个perth一百六十万人口,一天才出了两企这样的案件,这么想是不是?得非常安全了。 原帖由 angelar8 于 21-5-2012 18:28 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
:o 哪里有这样的规定么? 平时多参加体育活动,特别是武术。这样胆子也壮一些,家里养之狗也会提高安全度。我就是这样做的。工作关系的原因,本人遇贼的机会比一般人多一点,呵呵。大家要多帮助,多交流,感觉故事的主人是aussie,结局还算不错。
[ 本帖最后由 bynian 于 30-5-2012 15:08 编辑 ]