这是我做了几次比较成功的配方,有兴趣的可以在家试试,sponge fingers类似于手指饼干,可以在coles或woolworth买到另外我一般用Tia Maria代替marsala
Ingredients (serves 8)
2 cups strong black coffee
1/2 cup marsala (see note)
3 eggs, separated
1/3 cup caster sugar
250g mascarpone
300ml thickened cream, lightly whipped
1 large packet of sponge fingers (savoiardi)
cocoa, for dusting
Pour coffee and marsala into a shallow dish. Set aside.
Beat egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl with electric beaters until pale and thick. Add the mascarpone and whipped cream, mixing gently until just combined.
Beat egg whites in a medium bowl with electric beaters until soft peaks form. Using a large metal spoon, gently fold eggwhites into the mascarpone mixture.
Dip enough biscuits into the coffee mixture to cover the base of a 19cm square ceramic dish. Cover the biscuits with one-third of the mascarpone mixture. Repeat layers 2 times, ending with the cream. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Dust generously with cocoa and serve.
Variation: Marsala can be replaced with orange juice if preferred.
Note: Marsala is fortified wine.
[ 本帖最后由 milkhouse 于 6-5-2012 11:33 编辑 ] 看着就挺有口感的。 我比较喜欢做甜食,配方都是网上找的:lol 怎么把她从盆里完整地挪出来是个技术活。。。:lol 哇,看着就饿了 至爱 啊:good :zan :good :good :zan :zan :zan 好吃口水哗哗的 原帖由 MillerYang 于 5-5-2012 23:51 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
有条件的可以考虑用那种可以分体的蛋糕模子做,我没试过,不知道是否成形 蛋白一定要打发好了加进去才行。不加蛋白口感比较粗,加了蛋白口感细腻。
不过自从我家那位同学得知tiramisu是用生鸡蛋做的以后就拒绝吃了。:lol 我现在也懒得做了。
我今天心情好,做了一堆croissant和一个南瓜pie。:lol :lol :lol
回复 #10 nil 的帖子
我现在也尽量少做这些,体重飙升:'( :'( 原帖由 milkhouse 于 6/5/2012 15:40 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif我现在也尽量少做这些,体重飙升:'( :'( :lol体重飙升是好事——说明你是健康的。体重飚减才不是好事呢。:lol
回复 #9 milkhouse 的帖子
可以成型的,只要最后打发的蛋白够硬就可以啦:yct_14回复 #13 泡沫 的帖子
可能我打的时间短了些,下次再试试 qq```````g 提拉米苏的英语叫Tiramisu, 原意来源于一种咖啡味的甜酒叫Tira Maria和一种cheese叫mascarpone。 流口水啊。。。。 不错不错,看着就眼馋啊,有机会尝试下! :zan :zan :zan :zan :zan :zan :zan :zanTiramisu 在costco有卖,直径17cm,23刀 怕太甜没买。