最便宜的家庭电话 10元/月
https://connectto.dodo.com/BuddyBox2/适合电话不多, 或者经常搬家的人
Buddy Box® – a home telephone service without line rental charges*
Like having a home phone but don't use it very often? With Dodo's Buddy Box® you can have a home phone without the line rental charges.
•No line rental charges
•Keep your existing home phone number^
•Use your existing telephone handset
•Connect your answering machine
•Connect to the Internet
•Quick to set up – ideal for movers
Call and data rates
•Local calls: 25c untimed
•Standard national calls: 9c p/min
•Standard Australian mobile calls: 30c p/min
•Standard 13/1300 calls: 30c untimed
•Cheap international calls
•Excess data: $10 per GB (charged in 1GB slots)
How it works
Buddy Box® operates over a mobile network so it doesn't need to be connected to a physical phone line. The device is mains powered, and as long as there is adequate mobile coverage in your home you'll be able to use the service.
Buddy Box® for Calls
Simply plug the supplied Dodo SIM card and a telephone handset into the Buddy Box® and start saving on your calls. It's that easy.
Buddy Box® for Internet
To access the Internet through the Buddy Box® the supplied 3G USB modem needs to be plugged into the device. The Buddy Box® then becomes a Wi-Fi hotspot.
[ 本帖最后由 noirot 于 18-2-2012 22:14 编辑 ] 哦,:) Dodo用的是哪个网络?