标题: A wonderful case (I will translate later) [打印本页] 作者: Ray和Wendy 时间: 28-10-2011 10:43 标题: A wonderful case (I will translate later) One of the families living on the Bundaleer estate is a cause for ongoing concern. It is a two parent family with issues including drug dealing and use, alcohol problems and domestic violence. There are 5 children in the home ranging in age from 15 down to 3.
We were concerned about the 15 year old girl (S), who the current staff have had involvement with for the last 5 years. The school talked to us about her disconnection from school including absenteeism, abusive behavior to teachers, serious attitude problems towards school and in the classroom. We understood how difficult it must be to come out of that home each day and be expected to somehow function in an acceptable way and decided some action needed to be taken to assist her.
Due to the strong partnerships we have been able to build using the Asset Based Community Development framework on Bundaleer we decided to meet with the high school principal. We knew that S was really good with young children so came up with a plan to support her and address the school issues. We asked the principal to consider releasing S one day a week on the provision that we could get the local primary school principal to agree to having S there one day a week in the role of teacher’s aide. He agreed and, again due to the great partnership we have with the other school, the primary school principal agreed to take S on.
This has been wonderful for all concerned, especially S. She is loving her role at the primary school as teacher’s aide in the kindergarten class and the benefits are huge. At the school she is treated as staff and this has given her a new respect for teachers which is translating back into her attitude in the high school. Part of the agreement made with her in taking on the role was that on the other four days she would attend school and there has been no absenteeism since this began. Little has changed in her home, that is a work in progress, but this intervention for her has had a wonderful impact.作者: joy55 时间: 28-10-2011 10:51