被水打湿了~哈哈。。好的。今天就去弄!!谢谢大家乐~~作者: binnie 时间: 29-12-2010 12:17
Damaged Passports
Passports that have become damaged may no longer be acceptable for travel or as evidence of the holder’s identity or Australian citizenship. Travellers may face difficulties at overseas borders if they try to travel using a damaged passport.
If your passport is damaged in any way, you may like to consider applying for a new one before travelling. If you are unsure whether your damaged passport is acceptable, you should present it to your nearest Australian Passport Office or if overseas, your nearest Australian diplomatic or consular mission, for assessment. Please note that a replacement passport will be at your own expense unless it is assessed as faulty.
Damaged passports cannot be renewed using the passport renewal application form. You must apply for a new passport by completing a full application form and provide documentary evidence of your Australian citizenship and identity.
In addition, you will be asked to complete a General Declaration by passport applicant (B11) form detailing how the passport came to be damaged. This should be lodged with your full application. You will be handed a letter asking you to surrender your damaged passport at the time of lodging your application. The letter will also advise that you may request the return of the damaged passport and of your rights of review under passport legislation.
It is also advisable to let the interviewing officer know if you wish to have the damaged passport returned to you after the passport has been physically and electronically cancelled.作者: kyu 时间: 29-12-2010 14:18
已经重新申请了。谢谢大家作者: mimiyaya 时间: 29-12-2010 14:47
然后按照尺寸在电脑里裁剪一下,拿到office work,几毛一张6寸(好像一张6寸照片上印4张还是6张的,忘记了),就搞定。
不过换护照就贵了,好像要80刀吧。。。作者: kyu 时间: 30-12-2010 02:09