
标题: 要买VWGOLF的注意了。 [打印本页]

作者: craigie    时间: 18-12-2010 17:09
标题: 要买VWGOLF的注意了。

I'm surprised and disappointed that the Golf made it onto the list.
Reliability should be taken into account. My golf has left me stranded on the side of the road six times in 50k. Fuel pump, fuel pump controller, injectors and catalytic converter.


Ha... those of you swearing the Golf is the best thing ever will be sorry. Just wait til it's out of warranty and you're never out of the mechanics and have the RACV on speed dial.
Best thing I ever did was sell that hunk of junk to some other poor sod. I couldn't even trade it in as it played up... who needs to accelerate AND use the indicators at the same time anyway???

The Golf turns into a piece of junk around the same time as the warranty expires. Constant expensive failures, and an underlying manufacturing (poor quality engine casting according to a VW mechanic) that rears its ugly head so conveniently after the warranty is gone.

Australians would expect that a new car would last some time after the warranty period, but not the VW Golf. It's heartbreaking to see much cheaper cars of the same vintage still giving their owners trouble free motoring long after your crappy VW Golf is sold off to some poor sod.

In short, the VW Golf is a dud. ... omments=82#comments
作者: 冰翡翠    时间: 18-12-2010 20:09
作者: bg1pdq    时间: 18-12-2010 22:38
我是 Golf 车主。Golf 非常可靠,开它三年来,从没有把我扔路上过。而且维护保养费用也很低。
作者: MillerYang    时间: 18-12-2010 23:29
作者: zhuye1104    时间: 18-12-2010 23:40
作者: 赤脚    时间: 18-12-2010 23:57
这里有个很实用的网站, ,上去看看吧,很有用的
作者: sunny_ye    时间: 19-12-2010 15:16
作者: sunny_ye    时间: 19-12-2010 15:18

[ 本帖最后由 sunny_ye 于 19-12-2010 15:20 编辑 ]
作者: nowaybutgo    时间: 19-12-2010 15:29
原帖由 bg1pdq 于 18-12-2010 22:38 发表
我是 Golf 车主。Golf 非常可靠,开它三年来,从没有把我扔路上过。而且维护保养费用也很低。

作者: dragonballz    时间: 19-12-2010 16:18
作者: formatc    时间: 20-12-2010 14:12
作者: xyouc    时间: 20-12-2010 14:51
作者: 葩菈    时间: 20-12-2010 18:30
作者: 不接电话    时间: 22-12-2010 20:59
德国车1万公里保养一次. 日本车5K公里就要保养. 算下来还是实惠的.
作者: 快哉风    时间: 28-12-2010 00:59
作者: ophelia_cn1    时间: 28-12-2010 01:20


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