标题: 从今天起,我要把每天遇到的陌生的英语单词在日志里总结一下 [打印本页] 作者: xiaoniaobie 时间: 23-5-2010 11:50 标题: 从今天起,我要把每天遇到的陌生的英语单词在日志里总结一下 acoustic panel 隔音板
affray 滋事
angler fisher man
be accused of killing 被指控谋杀
be fraught with 充满。。。的
benchmark 检测程序
beriberi 脚气
bitumen 沥青
blast the rumor that(谣言内容) ... saying.(事实真相 辟谣
blow dry 用吹风机吹干(hairdryer 吹风机)
bob 波波头(一种发型)chin-length 下巴长度
bolster 支持
bondi squatters denied high court eviction hearing
but he says it will be at least a week before they know how successful the roll-out has been
cardiac arrest 心脏停博
cattle ranch 牧场
chromosome 染色体
clamp 钳子
clap 鼓掌
clapper 挡板
clash 嘈杂的争吵
clip 夹子
Combustion 燃烧
conspicuity 显眼,醒目的
constable 巡警
convertible 敞篷跑车
could you come and see me to go throgh your request so i know i have it right? 您能过来看看我做的符合您的要求吗?
covering for a colleague 替班
crackdown 制裁 镇压
cut and blow 洗和吹
dazzle 眩晕
debacle 彻底失败
deflection 偏向,挠曲,偏差
diabetes 糖尿病
dizzy 耀眼
dodgy person 不干好事儿的人
eclectic 折衷的
electrostatic 静电
emaciated 憔悴(书面语)口语一般用shagged
embankment 路堤
en route 在途中
epic=naga=ledgend 史诗
evict=expel 驱逐
fiscal 财政的
for these are people who have been taken advantage of in the most cynical manner.
franchise 公民权(刚开始以为这个单词是法中联盟的意思...france+chinese
fundraising 募集资金
galvanize 镀锌
general remark 总论
give the thumbs down 反对
grave fears 白色恐怖
grazing country 牧场
had a blast = had a very good time 玩得很开心
hammock 吊床
have butterflies in one's stomach 心里直打鼓
He had been harassing her ever since. 他一直在骚扰她
he sustained critical head injuries and died at the scene.
he wanted to inherit her money (heritage)
hepatitis 肝炎(abc)
hold down 按住
horoscope= astrology 星象学
huffing and puffing=tired 累,疲惫
hurdle 跨栏
hustle and bustle=busy 忙碌
hydromechanical 流体力学
hypnotism 催眠
i wiil grab you later 我一会儿回来找你
importune 强求
in compliance with 按照
in one ear out the other 一耳朵进,一耳朵出
in the first place 首先
incinerate 烧成灰烬
incorporated 合并
incumbent 有职责的,现任的
induct=levy 引导,应征入伍
inlet pit 井盖
ipa=international phonetic alphabet 国际音标
jack up the tobacco tax. 提高烟草税
keep spinning 加油
kick bucket 死亡
Lapse 过失
laugh it up 笑起来吧
let me repeat your requirement so that i have it right. 让我来重复一下看是否符合您的要求。
luxury oasis 引申为乐园、天堂的意思
micky mouse job or mcjob 低贱的没前途的工作
mistress 情妇
monsoon wind 季风
nail biter 很兴奋
nectarine 油桃
on fire = playing very well at the moment 发挥很好
on the flip side 另一方面
on the nose 正好
one-man band 单打独干
oscillating 震动
outage 运行中断
outrage 愤慨
overhaul revolution
parole 假释
Pavilion 展馆
percipitator 沉淀
perm 烫发
Plush 奢侈的
pneumatics is the use of pressurized gas to affect mechanical motion.气体力学
pneumonia 肺炎
predators 肉食动物
probation; 缓刑
prosecutors allege sb. did sth.
pulled off the shelves 下架(货物)
rare,medium, welldone medium
raunchy lap dance 猥亵的脱衣舞
Remand person 还押犯
retain wall 挡土墙
roll 卷起,名单
rotating beacon 警灯(警车、救护车、消防车)
round off 打磨光滑
rowdy=punk or drunk party 粗暴的
scaffolding 脚手架
schematic 原理图
scrubber 洗涤器
seal the deal 成交
sealant 密封胶
seepage water 渗透水
severe 颜色、款式太扎眼
she was stalking him 她缠着他
short back and sides 两边后面都短的
skirmish 小冲突
slam dunk = something easy to do 小菜一碟
sluice valve 水闸
smother 使窒息
spare parts 备用配件
spiky hair 中间凸起的鸡冠头
stash 藏匿(Coke stash kills man藏匿可卡因害死自己)
statute, statutory 法令
strate 岩层
stray dog 流浪狗
strobe 闪光灯
stroll=leisure walk 闲逛
subject to 遭受
suffer a rush of blood to the head
sun kissed 颜色稍亮的
superannuation 养老金
Superintendent 负责人
surveillance cameras 单位或者小区里装的监控摄像头
taunt 奚落
thyroid 甲状腺
time is on your side 你有的是时间
tonsil 扁桃体
tot 小孩
trade barbs if people trade barbs
trailing = behind 落后
Traumatised 极大的精神创伤,受了极大刺激的
trawl 拖网捕鱼
tree rings 年轮
viaduct 高架桥
vibrator 振动
war path 愤怒
who is no stranger to controversy
woo=seek= persuade 寻求
以前一直把ATM机叫ATM machine 应该叫cash point
在英语国家,点菜时不要说 i want.... 很不礼貌,要说i would like...