原帖由 Fernando 于 23-2-2010 13:22 发表
You need a strip from IKEA to connect two benchtop. It's not easy to cut so accuratly. If you buy from bunnings, they should provide other solution to achieve this.
http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalo ...
原帖由 Fernando 于 2009-9-20 00:54 发表
厨房的旧台面已经不行了,坑坑洼洼,清洁起来很不方便。旧的烤箱独立占了一个柜子,比较浪费空间。于是打算把厨房装修一下,把旧的烤箱连柜子一起拆掉;换掉台面benchtop,买个新烤箱装上。新式的厨房烤箱都是在cook ...
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