标题: 2月9日进度 [打印本页] 作者: zhangyuanzhi 时间: 9-2-2009 16:05 标题: 2月9日进度 GENERAL SKILLED MIGRATION ADELAIDE
9 February 2009
This is an automated e-mail response which provides weekly updated
information on skilled migration applications being processed by the
Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre. Please do not reply to this email
address. This mailbox is not monitored. Our contact details are listed
On 17 December 2008 the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship announced
changes to the way General Skilled Migration applications will be allocated
and processed. Details can be found on the DIAC website at: www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/whats-new.htm#j
As a result of this announcement from 1 January 2009 applications for
General Skilled Migration will be strictly allocated and processed in the
following priority order:
1. Applications with a successful State & Territory Nomination
(until all applications have been allocated); and then
2. Applications where the nominated occupation is on the Critical
Skills List (until all applications have been allocated); then
3. Applications where the nominated occupation is on the Migration
Occupations in Demand List (until all applications have been allocated);
4. All other remaining applications
This affects all applications lodged before and after 1 January 2009, both
paper lodged or electronically lodged. Applications which were already
allocated to case officers before 1 January 2009 are un-affected and will
be processed as usual to finalisation.
Application Allocation Dates
Please Note: You should allow a further 10 working days after the relevant
date indicated below for your case officer to contact you. If you have not
been contacted after this time please lodge an enquiry about your
application at http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/forms/gsm/post.htm
Applications are now being allocated as follows:
State & Territory Nominated Applications:
Once the department has received valid nomination from a state or
territory, applications will be allocated to a case officer within 10
working days.
Applications with Occupations on the Critical Skills List (CSL):
Applications are being allocated in date of lodgement order
Applications are now being allocated to case officers. It is expected all
eligible applications that were lodged before 1 September 2007 will be
allocated by 20 March 2009. Applications that were lodged after 1
September 2007 are not being allocated at present.
Applications with Occupations on the Migration Occupations in Demand List
Applications are not being allocated at present
All Other Remaining Applications
Applications are not being allocated at present
Subclasses 485, 476, 487 and 887 are not subject to the above changes. The
allocation dates for these subclasses are as follows:
VC 485 (paper): 11 March 2008
VC 485 (e-lodged): 27 February 2008
VF 476 (paper): 14 February 2008
VF 476 (e-lodged): 27 February 2008
VC 487 (paper): 3 December 2008
VB 887: 4 December 2008
The capital investment scheme has reopened for pre-1 September 2007
applicants with the South Australian Government Financing Authority
announcing it will accept deposits. This office will be writing to
applicants and providing information about the process for making a capital
investment within the next four weeks. Applicants will not be able to make
the investment until they have received this letter and the relevant
application form.
Applicants who have achieved a score of a least IELTS 7 in all of the four
competencies, and/or have completed The Professional Year – Skilled
Migration Internship Program Accounting (SMIPA) are eligible for priority
processing under the CSL. If you have provided evidence that you meet one
of these criteria please advise the department at http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/forms/gsm/post.htm . This will ensure that
your application is allocated once your lodgement date has been reached.
If you have a skills assessment from the Australian Computing Society (ACS)
showing a computer specialisation (as listed on the MODL) you are entitled
to priority processing under the CSL. If you have provided a skills
assessment showing you meet this criterion please advise the department at http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/forms/gsm/post.htm . This will ensure that
your application is allocated once your lodgement date has been reached.
Please do not post your HSA onshore medical results to us. Do not open the
sealed envelope or forward the results to the Department unless your case
officer specifically requests they be sent.
The BSPC is now processing the following eVisa Onshore General Skilled
Migration applications:
Subclass 885, 886 and 487 lodged on or after 1 December 2007
Subclass 485 lodged on or after 1 March 2008
Subclass 887 lodged on or after 1 July 2008
Allocation dates and information regarding applications processed in
Brisbane can be obtained by sending a blank email to the following email
address: gsmb.information@immi.gov.au
ASPC Telephone:
1300 364 613 (in Australia) for the cost of a local call; or
+61 1300 364 613 (outside Australia)
ASPC Contact Hours: (Australian Central Time):
0900 to 1600 Monday to Friday (except Wednesdays)
0900 to 1300 Wednesdays
Please note: due to the large volume of calls we receive, from time to time
you may experience lengthy delays before getting to speak to a customer
service officer.
07年91前的有盼头了,3月20号之前会分到VO,不过貌似只有在CSL里的会这样…… 都等了那么久了,希望91前的TZ都能早日拿到visa!作者: xq052b 时间: 9-2-2009 16:21
应该是指9.1前的CSL会在3.20号前面分吧作者: 小波 时间: 9-2-2009 16:22
总算给了个timetable。不是没有时间的瞎等。作者: xq052b 时间: 9-2-2009 16:22
Applications with Occupations on the Critical Skills List (CSL):
Applications are being allocated in date of lodgement order
Applications are now being allocated to case officers. It is expected all
eligible applications that were lodged before 1 September 2007 will be
allocated by 20 March 2009. Applications that were lodged after 1
September 2007 are not being allocated at present.