偶然一个下午,在某报纸上看到一个小小的广告,招聘part time office admin,于是打电话去问,人家很正规地样子,说将把具体要求发到我邮箱去。打开邮箱,才知道,原来是悉尼大学的学生会在招人,仅仅是part time的工作,居然也要人家写一大堆 selection criteria statement。但这时已经身经百战的我,copy,paste,很快便搞定了。并很快迎来了面试。由于不是本专业的工作,又是 part time,所以也就没有抱太大期望,仅想去积累一下面试经验。面试时,有5个面试官,其中3个是学生。问了一些如何处理特定场景的问题,又谈了谈优缺点、为什么要申请这份工作等……感觉回答得不算很好,但也不算差吧。
9月左右,我联系了syney community college的SMMP,大概两个星期后收到她的电话,问我是否愿意去SBS实习,她将帮我联系。由于一直没有机会看电视,我当时还不知道SBS到底是什么公司。于是马上上网research了SBS,发现正好有两个空缺职位,心中窃喜不已:)可惜等了很久很久,职位都close了,仍未等她的消息。心想她也许忘了……
以下是U的email: ’I hope you are not really quitting your part time job - there is no guarantee that SBS will have any jobs available to offer you so please don't put yourself in a difficult position! If you would like me to contact your current employer to explain the program you are in I am happy to do this for you. I would hope that they would be happy to give you two weeks leave in order to do the work experience, and if not, then perhaps they are not a very understanding employer... I don't want you to end up with no income and no job, just for work experience with the skilled migrant mentoring program!’
[ 本帖最后由 yangsheep 于 5-12-2008 23:28 编辑 ]作者: 羊咩咩 时间: 6-12-2008 10:01 标题: 澳洲生存手记 之十 良师益友(2) 第二天,我工作回来,便收到U的邮件,居然说她直接和总部的人事部联系了:‘I have been in contact with HR at Woolworths Head office.
If you can tell me which store you work at I will speak to the HR person for that area and arrange for you to have unpaid leave for the work experience. I may even be able to convince them to arrange for you to have normal leave (with some pay).
If you could contact me with this information, as well as the store manager's name, I will do my best for you tomorrow...’
再第二天,一大早刚打开电脑,又收到U的邮件:‘I will contact Head Office HR again today and discuss it with them. Although I daresay they need to be careful about not upsetting the store managers, the person I spoke to yesterday was quite appalled that you would not be allowed to take leave for something like this.
I am hopeful that you will at least be able to get leave without pay - but if we can get something better, then let's do it! I will contact you as soon as I have some information.’
十分钟后,邮件又来了:‘I have spoken with my contact at Woolworths HR and she is following up on the matter. She will get the HR operations person for the area that the store is in to contact either you or me about the issue...
Let me know if you get a call from them how it goes for you...’
U得知我不用辞工的消息后,很是高兴,信中如是说:‘Well done! I was very worried about you having to quit this job because even though it is not very good, it is still money. I just hope that the work experience at SBS is useful and justifies all the difficulty it has caused you.
I will be trying extra hard to find a job that is more appropriate for your skills because it is obvious that you can't stay at Woolworths forever. If something comes up I will let you know. But meanwhile I hope that you enjoy the thing at SBS...’