
标题: case进度查询几种回复的含义(4.22又有新发现,有免贝雕的回复[个人揣测]) [打印本页]

作者: lavenderboy    时间: 5-4-2007 23:58
标题: case进度查询几种回复的含义(4.22又有新发现,有免贝雕的回复[个人揣测])
递交了申请后去 可以查询自己case的进度


1 已经完成case,即将有结果出来

Please be advised your General Skilled Migration visa application has been
finalised. You will receive a decision letter via the authorised address

2 正在内审中,准备贝雕吧,或者贝雕结果还没道CO手上,应该快有结果了

Please be advised your visa application is still undergoing routine
integrity checks.
The Australian Government requires all persons entering Australia to hold
valid visas. As part of visa processing, various integrity checks are
routinely undertaken prior to a decision being made. Often these are
undertaken by external agencies and unfortunately DIAC has no influence
over the time taken to complete these checks. Please note that due to the
complexity of some checks the agreed service standards can be up to 6
months. Our office is not provided with details on why the checking
process is delayed. However you can be assured that your application is
actively being assessed and you will be advised as soon as an outcome is

3 正在审理中,资料已经补全了。

It appears that you have provided all requested documents/information at
this stage.  I have forwarded your email onto the area processing your
visa application for their further attention.

An officer will contact you if there are further requirements for
processing your application.

4 补料是否收到的回复。

The department acknowledges the receipt of applications but not the
receipt of subsequent correspondence.

Documents which are scanned and emailed to us are acknowledged by auto
response. No further manual confirmation will be provided for these

Your case officer will contact you if they require any additional

5 准备贝雕阶段

Please be advised your application is currently undergoing routine
integrity checks.

You may be aware that the assessment of all applications involves both
internal processes and possible liaison with external agencies. These
procedures take time and unfortunately in some circumstances this
process can take up to 6 months to complete. Your application cannot proceed
further until the results of these integrity checks have been returned
to your case officer.

Please Note: Often integrity checks are undertaken by external agencies
and unfortunately DIAC has no influence over the time taken to complete
integrity checks Rest assured your application is still under active consideration and
once the results are in your case officer will contact you if they have any
additional requirements.

6 还没分到你的VO,慢慢等

We appologise for the dates showing on the Tracking Process emails as
there is an error in the catagory of SIR 495 Paper Visa applications. It
is showing as 30th August 2006 when in fact the correct date is the 23rd
May 2006. If you lodged your application after the 23rd May 2006 your
application is still awaiting allocation to a case officer.

If you need to respond to this message, please return to the email form
and enter the tracking number in the text box.

7 正在审理中,大概是会免贝雕的,不过不能百分百肯定啊,有超过5人收到此查询邮件后N天内免贝雕准签,而我收到后遭遇上门

Your file is currently with your case officer for further processing. If your case officer requires any additional documentation/information to assist in the processing of your visa application they will contact you.  

目前查询后收到3和7免调查准签的有:rongrong Karena 136的小样儿 Maysunny sonybp judywang 应该还有很多没统计到的朋友。

[ 本帖最后由 lavenderboy 于 27-4-2007 20:03 编辑 ]
作者: esnoopy    时间: 6-4-2007 00:06
作者: sisleycpa1    时间: 6-4-2007 00:26
我感觉这个various integrity checks 是完整性的意思
作者: lavenderboy    时间: 10-4-2007 01:31
作者: sisleycpa1    时间: 10-4-2007 01:44
好棒啊~~~ 我猜我的是还没分配vo (上周询问的,现在还没收到)
作者: fm_yy    时间: 10-4-2007 02:41
作者: phoebe710    时间: 10-4-2007 10:51
作者: fjfqlinzm    时间: 10-4-2007 11:15
作者: 和尚也疯狂    时间: 10-4-2007 11:30
作者: buddy1234    时间: 10-4-2007 11:53
我把我的进度贴出来,大家看看这是哪个阶段。已知有三个移友是这个阶段,我已经过 internal checks 阶段,有谁知道后面是该到哪了?

Dear Sir/Madam
hank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s

General Skilled Migration programme.

Your file is currently with your case officer for further processing. If

your case officer requires any additional documentation/information to

assist in the processing of your visa application they will contact you.
作者: buddy1234    时间: 10-4-2007 12:01
integrity checks 是指诚实、正直核查,即贝雕。
作者: shenyouwohao    时间: 10-4-2007 12:05
顶                                          。
作者: 136的小样儿    时间: 10-4-2007 12:30


Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s
General Skilled Migration programme.

Please note that due to the large number of applications currently
received by this office, the department is unable to provide progress
reports regarding the processing of your application.
作者: 土豆    时间: 10-4-2007 12:38
作者: bracez    时间: 10-4-2007 12:46
作者: rongerchen    时间: 10-4-2007 13:01
写得好 哈
可是 没有和我一样的呢
作者: cherry2000    时间: 10-4-2007 15:52
作者: 我是一条鱼    时间: 17-4-2007 00:18
作者: luckytrip    时间: 17-4-2007 14:48

Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s General Skilled Migration programme.  Your file is currently with your case officer for further processing. If your case officer requires any additional documentation/information to assist in the processing of your visa application they will contact you.  We appreciate your patience in this matter. For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please refer to our website using the following link Yours sincerely,

作者: Maysunny    时间: 17-4-2007 16:19
标题: 回复 #19 luckytrip 的帖子
作者: buddy1234    时间: 17-4-2007 17:14
作者: AnaCoppola    时间: 17-4-2007 17:40
作者: 涛涛太太    时间: 17-4-2007 19:31
作者: jams_huang    时间: 17-4-2007 22:15
感谢楼主分享,我的情况就是第5种,一摸一样!不过我早已经背调过,为什么还要再integrity check 呢,有谁知道原因么,谢了!
> Dear Mr Huang,

Thank you for your e-mail in relation to your visa application under
Australia's General Skilled Migration programme.  

Please be advised your application is currently undergoing routine
integrity checks.

You may be aware that the assessment of all applications involves both
internal processes and possible liaison with external agencies. These
procedures take time and unfortunately in some circumstances this process
can take up to 6 months to complete. Your application cannot proceed
further until the results of these integrity checks have been returned to
your case officer.  

Please Note: Often integrity checks are undertaken by external agencies
and unfortunately DIAC has no influence over the time taken to complete
integrity checks

Rest assured your application is still under active consideration and once
the results are in your case officer will contact you if they have any
additional requirements.

We appreciate your patience in this matter.

For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please
refer to our website using the following link

Yours sincerely,

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
作者: Maysunny    时间: 17-4-2007 22:19
标题: 回复 #21 buddy1234 的帖子
作者: lavenderboy    时间: 17-4-2007 22:53
作者: helenz    时间: 17-4-2007 23:32
作者: buddy1234    时间: 18-4-2007 10:31
作者: buddy1234    时间: 18-4-2007 10:32
作者: lavenderboy    时间: 22-4-2007 21:46
作者: luckytrip    时间: 23-4-2007 17:05

作者: helenz    时间: 23-4-2007 17:26
标题: 我的背景调查前的回复
Please be advised your application is currently undergoing routine

You may be aware that the assessment of all applications involves both
internal processes and possible liaison with external agencies. These
procedures take time and unfortunately in some circumstances this process
can take 6 months or longer to complete. Your application cannot be
finalised until the results of these processes have been returned to your
case officer.  

Rest assured your application is still under active consideration and once
the results are received your case officer will contact you if they have
any additional requirements.
作者: 涛涛太太    时间: 23-4-2007 19:01
Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s General Skilled Migration programme.

Results of some internal enquiries have been recently received and your file is currently with your case officer for further processing. If your case officer requires any additional documentation/information to assist in the processing of your visa application they will contact you.
作者: aileeny    时间: 23-4-2007 20:05
作者: 澳大利亚    时间: 23-4-2007 21:55
作者: rongerchen    时间: 24-4-2007 19:50
Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia抯
General Skilled Migration programme.

Your enquiry has been referred to your processing region for your case
officer's attention. You will receive a response shortly.

We appreciate your patience in this matter.

For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please
refer to our website using the following link

Yours sincerely,

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

可是 他给我的是泛称
Dear Sir/Madam
作者: 西皮二黄    时间: 24-4-2007 20:44
You case officer is still waiting the finalisation of yourmedical
examinations. When your case officer has received these results they will
contact you if they require additional information/documents to assist in
the processing of your visa application.

If you have sent your medicals examinations to the Adelaide Skilled
Processing Centre in error please be advised once we have identified your
medical examinations we will send them to the Local Clearance Unit on your

Please Note: Applicants whose medicals examinations are posted directly
to the Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre should expect delays of several
weeks before these results can be finalised

We appreciate your patience in this matter.
作者: sisleycpa1    时间: 24-4-2007 20:52
标题: 收到体检结果的回复
Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s
General Skilled Migration programme.

I can confirm that LCU has notified us of your medical outcome - this is
now clear.

The department acknowledges the receipt of applications but not the
receipt of subsequent correspondence.

Documents which are scanned and emailed to us are acknowledged by auto
response. No further manual confirmation will be provided for these

Your case officer will contact you if they require any additional

Yours sincerely,
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
作者: rayki    时间: 24-4-2007 20:53
原帖由 rongerchen 于 24-4-2007 16:50 发表
Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia抯
General Skilled Migration programme.

Your enquiry has been referred to your processing region for y ...

作者: rongerchen    时间: 24-4-2007 21:33
是真的吗 我很担心呢
作者: rongerchen    时间: 24-4-2007 22:16
原帖由 rayki 于 24-4-2007 17:53 发表


谁快快告诉我啊 快快告诉我 呵呵
作者: andy2001p    时间: 25-4-2007 00:02

Thank you for your e-mail in relation to your visa application under
Australia’s General Skilled Migration programme.

1.  This information has been attached to your visa application for your

case officer’s attention. Your case officer may contact you if they
require any additional information.

2.  This application is currently undergoing further internal checks and

processing. Unfortunately this process can take between 1 and 4 months
complete. Until the results are returned the case cannot proceed

Once the results are in the case officer will contact you if they have
additional requirements.

We appreciate your patience in this matter.

Please note - Although we expect internal processing to be completed
within 4 months some checks will take longer depending on the complexity

of these checks.


Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s

General Skilled Migration programme.

Your file is currently with your case officer for further processing. If

your case officer requires any additional documentation/information to assist in the processing of your visa application they will contact you.

We appreciate your patience in this matter.
作者: aifeng_1002    时间: 25-4-2007 00:37
Dear Client,

Your correspondence has been successfully submitted to the Department
of Immigration and Citizenship.

A reference number has been allocated to your correspondence
and can be found in the subject line of this email.

Yours sincerely,
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
作者: 涛涛太太    时间: 26-4-2007 13:22
原帖由 rongerchen 于 24-4-2007 16:50 发表
Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia抯
General Skilled Migration programme.

Your enquiry has been referred to your processing region for y ...

作者: vigile    时间: 1-5-2007 17:41

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s
General Skilled Migration programme.

The department acknowledges the receipt of applications but not the
receipt of subsequent correspondence.

Documents which are scanned and emailed to us are acknowledged by auto
response. No further manual confirmation will be provided for these

Your case officer will contact you if they require any additional
作者: ccen    时间: 9-5-2007 13:59
查询什么时候 可以收到回信,是当天吗?
作者: rongerchen    时间: 9-5-2007 14:15
如果他们下班了 你就只有第二天才能收到回复了
作者: ccen    时间: 9-5-2007 14:22
作者: sh1_hai    时间: 9-5-2007 14:27
作者: shopfloor    时间: 9-5-2007 14:33
Your correspondence has been successfully submitted to the Department
of Immigration and Citizenship.

A reference number has been allocated to your correspondence
and can be found in the subject line of this email.
作者: 猪头小丸子    时间: 10-5-2007 14:08

原帖由 aifeng_1002 于 24-4-2007 23:37 发表
Dear Client,

Your correspondence has been successfully submitted to the Department
of Immigration and Citizenship.

A reference number ha ...

作者: 猪头小丸子    时间: 10-5-2007 14:09

原帖由 shopfloor 于 9-5-2007 13:33 发表
Your correspondence has been successfully submitted to the Department
of Immigration and Citizenship.

A reference number has been allocated to your correspondence
and can be found in the sub ...

作者: bio    时间: 10-5-2007 14:59
Please be advised your medical examinations have been received by the
Local Clearance Unit.

Your case officer is currently awaiting the finalisation of these medical
examinations. When your case officer has received these results they will
contact you if they require additional information/documents to assist in
the processing of your visa application.

作者: bracez    时间: 10-5-2007 15:07
原帖由 bio 于 10-5-2007 13:59 发表
Please be advised your medical examinations have been received by the
Local Clearance Unit.

Your case officer is currently awaiting the finalisation of these medical
examinations. When your  ...

作者: 如梦    时间: 10-5-2007 18:10
Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your e-mail in relation to your visa application under
Australia’s General Skilled Migration programme.

This e-mail address has not been authorised to receive communications
relating to this General Skilled Migration application so by law we are
unable to provide any specific information.

If the primary applicant or their authorised recipient wish to provide an
authorised email address or change the e-mail address originally provided
with the application, this must be done in writing. This can be done by
using Form 1193 “Communicating by e-mail with the Department”. This form
is available for download at:

Please Note - Under section 494D of the Migration Act 1958 each visa
application can have only one authorised email address.

We prefer that these forms or any additional documents are scanned and
emailed to us:

Offshore applications from the United Kingdom and Ireland and South Asia
including India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal.  The e-mail
address for scanned documents is:

For other countries including the Peoples’ Republic of China, those in
Europe, the Americas and the Pacific region, the e-mail address for
scanned documents is:

Onshore applications:

If you have lodged online, using your transaction number, please upload
your scanned documents at:

DIAC will accept scanned copies of the original document (non-certified)
provided they are in colour.  If you scan documents in black and white,
then they must be scanned copies of the certified copies.
Please note that a DIAC officer may request that original documents be
provided during processing.

Alternatively you can post your documents to:

Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
GPO Box 1638
Adelaide SA 5001

Receipt of these documents received by post or courier will not be

Please ensure that your file reference number or name and date of birth
are clearly printed with any mail sent to this office.

For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please
refer to our website using the following link

Yours sincerely,

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

作者: 如梦    时间: 10-5-2007 18:10
Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your e-mail in relation to your visa application under
Australia’s General Skilled Migration programme.

This e-mail address has not been authorised to receive communications
relating to this General Skilled Migration application so by law we are
unable to provide any specific information.

If the primary applicant or their authorised recipient wish to provide an
authorised email address or change the e-mail address originally provided
with the application, this must be done in writing. This can be done by
using Form 1193 “Communicating by e-mail with the Department”. This form
is available for download at:

Please Note - Under section 494D of the Migration Act 1958 each visa
application can have only one authorised email address.

We prefer that these forms or any additional documents are scanned and
emailed to us:

Offshore applications from the United Kingdom and Ireland and South Asia
including India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal.  The e-mail
address for scanned documents is:

For other countries including the Peoples’ Republic of China, those in
Europe, the Americas and the Pacific region, the e-mail address for
scanned documents is:

Onshore applications:

If you have lodged online, using your transaction number, please upload
your scanned documents at:

DIAC will accept scanned copies of the original document (non-certified)
provided they are in colour.  If you scan documents in black and white,
then they must be scanned copies of the certified copies.
Please note that a DIAC officer may request that original documents be
provided during processing.

Alternatively you can post your documents to:

Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
GPO Box 1638
Adelaide SA 5001

Receipt of these documents received by post or courier will not be

Please ensure that your file reference number or name and date of birth
are clearly printed with any mail sent to this office.

For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please
refer to our website using the following link

Yours sincerely,

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

作者: 如梦    时间: 10-5-2007 18:25
作者: luoyi727    时间: 10-5-2007 18:31
作者: 如梦    时间: 10-5-2007 18:59
作者: Dreamofyou    时间: 10-5-2007 19:46
作者: fat_square    时间: 13-5-2007 15:56
作者: harrypotter    时间: 13-5-2007 19:47
Dear Client,

Your correspondence has been successfully submitted to the Department
of Immigration and Citizenship.

A reference number has been allocated to your correspondence
and can be found in the subject line of this email.

Yours sincerely,
Department of Immigration and Citizenship


Are you the client's agent
or authorised recipient?   这一项我选No,表示我就是申请者本人呀!
作者: harrypotter    时间: 13-5-2007 19:51
原帖由 aifeng_1002 于 24-4-2007 23:37 发表
Dear Client,

Your correspondence has been successfully submitted to the Department
of Immigration and Citizenship.

A reference number ha ...

我的和你的一样? 为什么呀?
作者: yunduo    时间: 15-5-2007 14:02
作者: luoyi727    时间: 15-5-2007 14:04
作者: seesun    时间: 15-5-2007 14:11
作者: luoyi727    时间: 15-5-2007 14:14
作者: 澳大利亚    时间: 23-5-2007 14:30
原帖由 rongerchen 于 24-4-2007 18:50 发表
Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia抯
General Skilled Migration programme.

Your enquiry has been referred to your processing region for y ...


[ 本帖最后由 澳大利亚 于 23-5-2007 13:35 编辑 ]
作者: dinglongdong    时间: 26-5-2007 01:21
作者: zyease    时间: 29-5-2007 14:35
原帖由 澳大利亚 于 23-5-2007 13:30 发表


作者: buffalo_1973    时间: 30-5-2007 10:34
昨天查了一下,收到的回复是7:Your file is currently with your case officer for further processing. If
your case officer requires any additional documentation/information to
assist in the processing of your visa application they will contact you.
作者: 澳大利亚    时间: 30-5-2007 14:24
原帖由 zyease 于 29-5-2007 13:35 发表


作者: Monika_huqm    时间: 31-5-2007 01:13

Please be advised your application is currently undergoing routine

You may be aware that the assessment of all applications involves both
internal processes and possible liaison with external agencies. These
procedures take time and unfortunately in some circumstances this process
can take 6 months or longer to complete. Your application cannot be
finalised until the results of these processes have been returned to your
case officer.  

Please Note: Some processes are undertaken by external agencies and
unfortunately DIAC has no influence over the time taken to complete checks.

和5比就少了一个integrity.. 那还是不是要贝雕的暗示? 天那! 偶要等疯掉了
作者: Monika_huqm    时间: 31-5-2007 01:13
我体检都交了快两个月了, 815也收到了呀.
作者: zyease    时间: 6-6-2007 16:27
标题: 我最近几次查询的回复

5.2日回复:This information has been attached to your visa application for your case officer’s attention. Your case officer may contact you if they require any additional information.

2)5.8日, 问题:已经提交了清华认证的扫描件,询问是否需要直接让清华认证处寄给他们。

3)5.14日询问:自己的体检结果是完全ok还是under condition(under condition的体检结果有效期缩短为半年),补料未齐备,担保金未交。
5.16日回复: can confirm we have received your health results. Please attend to all other requested documents as soon as possible.

4)5.24日询问:处理进度 (材料及担保金刚交齐)
5.29日回复:Your enquiry has been referred to the area processing your visa application for your case officer's attention. You will receive a response shortly.

6.5日回复:Your file is currently with your case officer for further processing. If your case officer requires any additional documentation/information to assist in the processing of your visa application they will contact you.
作者: 澳大利亚    时间: 6-6-2007 22:33
作者: sweeet    时间: 14-6-2007 18:50

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s General Skilled Migration programme.

Your file is currently with your case officer for final processing. If your case officer requires any additional documentation/information to assist in the processing of your visa application they will contact you.

We appreciate your patience in this matter.

有用final不用further这个词的通宵吗?哈哈,好给人信心啊~我要看看他们的final stage要几天才能处理完。
作者: zyease    时间: 15-6-2007 15:40
作者: stanley_hu    时间: 15-6-2007 15:48
我收到的是第3种回复. 目前还没有 贝雕..
希望如楼主所预测, 免贝雕了...
作者: byron    时间: 16-6-2007 03:36
作者: sweeet    时间: 18-6-2007 17:30
作者: zyease    时间: 19-6-2007 11:43
作者: 澳大利亚    时间: 19-6-2007 14:26
原帖由 zyease 于 19-6-2007 10:43 发表

作者: zbnloveyou    时间: 19-6-2007 15:07
好贴子,一定要顶一下 谢谢LZ
作者: stanley_hu    时间: 19-6-2007 15:42
作者: 柠檬飘香    时间: 22-6-2007 15:45
作者: zhaoli0111    时间: 22-6-2007 20:13
20日去信查询进度,今天收到答复如下, 应该是第七种, 但是我刚好相反,我是先在6。11贝雕了。
Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under
General Skilled Migration programme.

Your file is currently with your case officer for further processing.
your case officer requires any additional documentation/information to
assist in the processing of your visa application they will contact

We appreciate your patience in this matter.

For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please
refer to our website using the following link

Yours sincerely,

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
作者: love222    时间: 22-6-2007 22:57
标题: 谢谢啊
作者: byron    时间: 23-6-2007 00:40

....I am writing to advise that this application for migration to Australia is nearing completion....
作者: jams_huang    时间: 23-6-2007 14:37
原帖由 rongerchen 于 24-4-2007 18:50 发表
Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia抯
General Skilled Migration programme.

Your enquiry has been referred to your processing region for y ...

作者: sigma1004    时间: 27-6-2007 19:40
rongerchen 26日收到815表,而我lp因为没有雅思,需要交钱

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s
General Skilled Migration programme.

Your enquiry has been referred to the area processing your visa
application for your case officer's attention. You will receive a response

We appreciate your patience in this matter.

For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please
refer to our website using the following link

Yours sincerely,

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
作者: sigma1004    时间: 27-6-2007 20:25

[ 本帖最后由 sigma1004 于 27-6-2007 19:44 编辑 ]
作者: 澳大利亚    时间: 27-6-2007 23:09
作者: lingyun7213    时间: 28-6-2007 02:08
作者: takedown    时间: 28-6-2007 03:02
to LZ, many thanks!
作者: byron    时间: 28-6-2007 03:06


作者: 澳大利亚    时间: 28-6-2007 19:22
作者: sigma1004    时间: 28-6-2007 19:24

[ 本帖最后由 sigma1004 于 28-6-2007 18:27 编辑 ]
作者: 澳大利亚    时间: 28-6-2007 21:37
因为我是 贝雕的,就是不知道最后结果了 .

[ 本帖最后由 澳大利亚 于 28-6-2007 20:52 编辑 ]
作者: ausleoc731    时间: 30-7-2007 18:09
请教几个问题Are you the client's agent or authorised recipient 这项应该填什么 
是不是 没有REQUIRED的都可以不填呢 

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