What can't I take into Australia?
Graphic: luggage carouselQuarantine Matters
* Australian Quarantine
* Before you land in Australia
* What happens to items I declare?
* Detector dogs
* Reporting quarantine and export breaches
* Declare or beware
* Download the brochure
* More information作者: leily 时间: 30-10-2007 18:59
顶上去给大家看看。作者: apple2007 时间: 26-1-2008 14:44
haohaohao作者: QIANWENQIN 时间: 27-1-2008 19:11
ding, ding , ding作者: johnpro 时间: 30-3-2008 15:57 标题: see this http://www.daffa.gov.au/aqis/travel/entering-australia/cant-take作者: 猪猪小 时间: 16-5-2011 16:22
链接还是失效了,现在有没有新的更新呢??或者在哪儿能找到呢?谢谢lz拉作者: frozen_heart770 时间: 16-5-2011 17:42