会给哥们带来一窝猫猫小崽子!作者: dcxg 时间: 3-5-2016 07:45
然后一天到晚上串下跳咋整?作者: dcxg 时间: 3-5-2016 08:00
A black cat was roaming around
it was black,as black as coal
No strain of another colour in a bound
nor any lighter kind of darkness on role.
Being black it was not slack.
it was daring and brave
and moved around with a knack
that it posed a confrontation grave.
This black cat came into my garden
squeezing through the gatethe day before.
I keep food for birds every now and then
only that much sufficient for the birdie’s repose.
In one bite the cat gobbled the food
walking past my yard in great stride
found out the food was for its brood
not to the birds anymore as they hide.
Blackie, nicknamed so, became a rowdy
as days passed by he proposed a terror
snarling and showing his teeth like a bawdy
making the children around cry in horror.
The cat which came leisurely into my yard
now threatens me out of the house
if I be kind and act tard
he would drive me out to find another house.作者: chubbycat 时间: 3-5-2016 08:03 作者: chubbycat 时间: 3-5-2016 08:04
只有三只脚! @周星星1832作者: 我爱猫眯 时间: 3-5-2016 08:38
给它一个额遮风挡雨的地方吧作者: Serin 时间: 3-5-2016 10:14
三脚猫啊作者: chubbycat 时间: 3-5-2016 11:09