Under certain circumstances and depending on the vehicle type, a vehicle may not need to be registered.
These include:
agricultural equipment - vehicles without automotive power built to perform agricultural tasks off road such as, cultivating land, growing and harvesting crops and rearing livestock.
trailers carrying harvester combs
bulk field bins for holding grain
bulk fruit bins
trailers (other than trailers specifically built to carry a boat) that is not used in the course of trade and:
- weighs less than 200 kilograms empty
- is not wider than the vehicle towing it
- is not more than 3 metres long including the drawbar and any load on the trailer
trailers that are being towed by a registered tow truck
motor vehicles being towed on a highway*作者: 西澳海豚 时间: 5-8-2013 16:59
而不用牌的TRAILER,只是特殊用途使用,車輛本身需要有特殊登記(towed by a registered tow truck),不是一般可以見到的車輛&拖車。
trailers (other than trailers specifically built to carry a boat) that is not used in the course of trade and:
- weighs less than 200 kilograms empty
- is not wider than the vehicle towing it
- is not more than 3 metres long including the drawbar and any load on the trailer
Thank you for your email to confirm if a 6x4 trailer needs to be registered. My name is Lee and I will be able to assist you.
The trailer will not be required to be registered if it meets all of the points below:
. is not used for business purposes, and
. is not specifically constructed to carry a boat, and
. weighs less than 200kg unladen, and
. is not wider than the towing vehicle, and
. is less than three metres in length, including the draw-bar and load.
If your trailer meets the above requirements, you may apply for an exempt trailer plate so you can use it on the road.
If your trailer requires registration, you will need to make an appointment at a VicRoads Customer Service Centre. This can be made by contacting the VicRoads Call Centre on 13 11 71 (8.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 2.00pm Saturday). 作者: heaichen 时间: 14-8-2013 11:11
谢谢分享,,我也喜欢拖车,一会儿去研究wa的拖车规则。作者: viac 时间: 15-8-2013 00:37
谢谢分享,,我也喜欢拖车,一会儿去研究wa的拖车规则。作者: yanglz 时间: 14-4-2022 00:38