这边玩的各个年龄层的人都有,大多是semi-retire or retire or self-employed.作者: 5years 时间: 26-3-2013 22:39
那你现在还飞吗作者: nngn 时间: 26-3-2013 22:53 标题: 回复 #6 5years 的帖子 有啊,不过最近忙于拍这个片子还有多陪陪小孩,少飞了些.
[ 本帖最后由 nngn 于 26-3-2013 22:58 编辑 ]作者: 5years 时间: 26-3-2013 22:59
有空介绍下澳洲滑翔伞好吗?作者: nngn 时间: 27-3-2013 08:36 标题: 回复 #8 5years 的帖子 I've done a post or I should say a diary (a long one) about this, but not on Freeoz.
I'll put down the link below, but if the moderator feels this inappropriate, please remove it. thanks.
A to Q1
I'm always amazed and fascinated by the physiological side of this sport.
I guess it would make more sense to stuff like this (that's relating to the making of this doco) after you actually watched it.
A to Q2
Unfortunately I can only screen it in Melbourne/Victoria at this stage, as some of the pilots or crew will be at the screenings, they mostly base in Melbourne/Victoria.
But probably I would pass it onto other paragliding clubs around the country if they are interested or put it onto internet one day.作者: nngn 时间: 28-3-2013 09:18
haven't updated that post for a long long time.
I did a towing endorsement course last April in Deniliquin, it was fun, not much pics were taken, all gopro footage, including one flight that I flew with 2 eagles :-)作者: KYLIE2008 时间: 28-3-2013 09:38
印象深刻,当时就很佩服你的勇气, 毅力还有一种对生活 的热爱作者: nngn 时间: 28-3-2013 11:53
Thanks Kylie.
I guess we are both outdoor lovers, both love to embrace what a beautiful natural treasure this country got to offer.
Just read your post about your road trip down here to Bright and Mt Feathertop, nice.
(I have 1-2 seconds of inflight footage of a tandem pilot flying above and looking down at Mt Feathertop in my video)